Untouchable (Pietro/Wanda Maximoff x reader)

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"Where is he?" You were almost yelling, pushing your way through the crowd towards the safety boats, seeing men in uniforms corralling everyone in, a man in a red, white and blue uniform, and another dropping a cracked bow at his feet, falling wearily into his chair. But no sign of him. No sign of your Pietro.

"Have you seen Wanda?"

"No," one of your fellow citizens replied, looking as if they might pass out from their injuries. Her skin was pale and growing cool; she was quickly going into shock with death soon behind.

"Give me your hand, quickly," you whispered, kneeling down to her. "Let me help."

"No, (Y/N), I know what that will do to you," she mumbled, her body beginning to shut down. "You can't take this much."

"Let me be the judge." You took her hand, knowing she was too weak to fight you, concentrating on her heartbeat and making it stronger. You gasped at the sudden rush of energy flowing from you and into her, struggling to maintain your grip despite your body's insistence that you let go to save yourself. You closed your eyes and succumbed to the drain on your energy just as the man in the patriotic suit hurried to your side to catch you before you hit the floor.



"(Y/N), please wake for me." Wanda turned to Steve and shook her head, unable to get through to you and unsure if she should use her powers to try to reach you in your weakened state. When your mind finally registered the sound of her voice and you realized it as someone you knew, you woke to see her and several Avengers standing over you.

"Okay, this is awkward," you groaned, sitting up and grabbing your head, the room spinning slightly. "I didn't realize that I was so interesting."

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Wanda asked quietly, holding you steady with her arm around your shoulder. "I was worried that you hadn't made it out of the city, but then I saw the Captain carrying you on board. Are you injured?"

The Captain. That must be the guy in the suit. You had seen him before, as the battle was beginning and the robots began to rise from the ground. He was with Pietro. "Wanda! Where's Pietro? I have to find him."

Her face dropped and the crowd around you quietly began to disperse. When the tears began to well in her eyes, you couldn't believe what she was about to say; you could have saved him if you had only been there. You would have gladly taken on any injury that he had sustained if you could save him.

"He...he didn't make it, (Y/N). He died saving another from the team. He gave his life very bravely."

You sat together and cried, leaning on each other for support and to allow each other to grieve; her for her brother and you for your lost love. As you cried, your mind raced with what you could still do. How long had he been gone? What were his injuries? Were they too severe for you to repair and to bring him back? Would you survive if they were? This was your purpose; this is exactly why you volunteered for enhancement. You had to try.

"Where is he now, Wanda?"

"He's in a secured area...wait," she paused, looking at you suspiciously, "no, (Y/N), don't even consider this. It's too much for even you. You are strong, but not that strong. It would kill you, and I'm not going to say goodbye to you again. Not you too."

You raised your hands in surrender with a small shake of your head, "I won't, darling. I just need to let him go."


Nothing anyone could have said would have been able to prepare you for the sight of him laying on the table at the center of the med bay, covered in a pristine white sheet and completely alone. You took a harsh breath that stung your nostrils with the antiseptic scent of the room, slowly approaching him to pull the sheet from his face.

He looked like he was asleep, as you had seen him so many times before; you ran your finger lightly over his cheek and shivered at the coolness of it. Glancing around the room, you found yourself completely alone, so you inspected each wound with your hand, finding that the bullets had been removed and each spot covered. "Good," you mumbled to yourself. You knew that this could be your final act, but there wasn't a second thought to it; you braced yourself against the table and put your hands over his chest.


Wanda had just drifted to sleep, sitting against one of the bulkheads, when she suddenly woke and stood, catching Steve's attention. Her face was filled with panic as she ran from the bridge deck.

"Maximoff! Where are you going?" he called after her, giving chase when she didn't stop.

"She promised me," Wanda mumbled as she ran, skidding to a halt at the door when it opened for her. "She promised..." Her voice faded away when she saw Pietro, now very much alive, sitting on the floor and holding you in his arms.

"Why didn't someone stop her?" he asked in a shaky voice. "She shouldn't have done this. Not for me."

Steve ran into the room seconds behind and stopped abruptly at the sight, his mind not readily accepting what he was seeing. The man who he had carried in his arms only a few hours before was now alive and well, without the wounds that had taken his life. "Is she alive?"

Wanda sat on the floor next to you and rested her hand on you, feeling your heart beat that was barely there, struggling to continue. "It's very weak." She wanted to give you her strength and her energy, but it wasn't one of her abilities, and all she could do was watch and hope that the efforts of the doctor on board would be enough.


"Printessa," Pietro whispered, his mouth close enough to your ear that you felt each breath, and it warmed your heart to know that he was alive. "Why did you do this? Please come back to me so that I can understand."

"What is there to understand?" you murmured quietly, "you were dead."

Pietro stood from the seat he had taken at your side hours ago and kissed you as if he hadn't seen you in years. All of the fear he had suffered since holding your lifeless body came through, and you knew that he would understand why you had to save him. He released you and rested his forehead to yours, breathing away the anxiety that had gripped him. "You could have died, (Y/N). I'm not worth that. To wake and find you gone for me would be too much. Did you think of what that would do to me?"

"I imagine it would be the way I felt seeing you on that table, cold and alone," you sighed. "Piet, it's done. Please don't punish me for this. I won't apologize, and I'm not going to say goodbye to you again if I have the ability to stop it. I was given this power for a reason, and maybe this was it."

"I should know better than to argue with you, my love," he smiled. "So I'll just have to be more careful. Perhaps I am not as untouchable as I once thought."

"That's a relief," you chuckled weakly, "I can't keep doing this every time I want to make a point."

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