Thermonuclear Astrophysics (Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?"

"Last night," you answered Tony's inquiry plainly, as if any other answer would be ridiculous. "Bruce needed help on his project and you were out doing whatever it is you do after the sun goes down."

"Hey, I was out with-"

"Nope," you interrupted eagerly with a hand up to stop him, "that wasn't an invitation to tell me. No one wants to know, alright?"

"Fine, have it your way. But seriously, you worked with Banner for one night and now you've got it all on lock?"

"Yep. Why? Do you have questions that I can help you with, Tony?" You took a few steps closer to his workstation from your own, leaning against the table top with your arms crossed in front of you, looking up at him with a smirk, "something you don't understand?"

"Smartass," he muttered, pushing you back with a nudge of his elbow, "let's not get ahead of ourselves."

You were so engrossed in being able to pick on your lab counterpart that you hadn't heard Pietro come in, even at an unenhanced speed. He sat himself at your station and watched your interaction with Stark, taking in the sight of you to feed the crush that he had been harboring, and had been struggling with since you had joined the team six months before.

"How do you remember it all?" he finally joined in, making you startle and turn to him wide-eyed in surprise. When you turned, your ankle rolled and tipped you from your footing, but before Tony could get his hand behind you to hold you up, Pietro had lifted you into his arms in a small panic. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Jesus, Pietro," you gasped, "maybe make some noise or something next time!" He continued to hold you, looking down at you silently from an angle that he never thought he'd have; you were in his arms for the first time, and he wanted nothing to do with letting go. "Pietro? You can put me down now."

"Right! I'm sorry, (Y/N), of course." He set your feet on the ground gently, holding you steady until he felt confident that you were stable, despite the fact that there really was no reason for him to worry and you were only waiting patiently to be released.

"She has an eidetic memory," Tony finally answered Pietro's original question with a wide grin. "So this beautiful moment right here will stick in that sponge of a brain of hers forever. Isn't that just great?"

"Yes," Pietro whined quietly, clearly embarrassed, "that's wonderful."

"Okay, well I'm done for the night, so I'll just talk to you boys tomorrow." Returning to your station, you packed up your supplies, all the while feeling Pietro's eyes on you with an unwavering intensity. You didn't even have to look at him to know, and it wasn't that you didn't want the attention; you just didn't know what to do with it. You had always been more focused on your studies and work, and hadn't much time for socializing or relationships, so this was an uncharted territory for you.

Once you had left the room, and he was certain that you were not returning any time soon, Pietro rushed to Tony's station and slammed his hands down on the steel table top, shaking the tools strewn out over it and leaving their owner to jump back in shock. "What the hell, Maximoff?"

"I need you to teach me."

"You're going to need to elaborate just a smidge."

"How to talk to her."

"Isn't that what you were just doing?" Tony smirked, lowering his voice to a mocking whisper. "I heard it myself."

"No, how to talk to her" Pietro fumbled, groaning to himself at the revelation that he may never be able to impress you in any way that would get your attention. "Never mind, it's useless. I don't know what I'm saying."

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