.No Matter What.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette

"It was the nothing that I loved to hear so much. Those were the best conversations."


He stood there, looking half dead, but with all the authority he could muster, he still held himself high like his glory days.

I wished I'd never even seen his glory days. The only thing that travelled through my mind for a moment was how his timing surely sucked. I couldn't have anticipated my past catching up with me here. It was too soon.

"You want something?" I tried to act as uninterested as I could, strolling in the direction of the kitchen to make two cups of tea as he perused the shelves in my living room.

"I couldn't help checking on my nephew, of course," he chuckled lowly so I barely heard it.

There was no getting out of here anytime soon. I made sure no one would bother me tonight, so we weren't going to be bothered. I might as well make myself comfortable while thinking of a way to get rid of my uncle. If Eren could sense just about anything, he'd sure notice if I'd gotten into a fight.

"No one knows where you've been. But I had a hunch you'd come back here. You like things to be familiar, don't you?"

"It's been a while," I argued. "I don't remember it at all..."

So then why did I choose my mother's safe town?
His head popped around the corner and I saw the shit-eating grin, and he leaned against the kitchen wall casually. "That's not what I meant. Why the hell would you hide from me somewhere I'd possibly come looking?" he asked rhetorically.

His eyes lit up knowingly, as though he'd thought of the answer to his own question like a sarcastic bastard, "Oh," he mouthed. "Did you somehow think I'd be here eventually?"

"What is it you're getting at here, Kenny? I have school tomorrow and I do-,"
"Wah hahahaha!" he burst out.

"You've never been to school a day in your life, son! You trained yourself and learned from that woman what you needed to know. No... there's something more to it than school, huh?"

By then, I couldn't help the death seeping into my eyes, but I still tried not to set him off. Everything he said, however, was adding dirt to the fucking grave I'd set for him.

Every. Single. Word out of his mouth was pissing me off. I didn't know how long I would be able to last.
I gritted through my teeth and kept my voice as a warning, low growl, "Don't call me son. I'm done with you. You know that. I would have stayed if I wanted. I don't care what kind of life you live, but I'm trying to live a different one right now. Oh, and that woman was your sister. Badmouth her again and I'll..."

I shut myself up as he took a step in here.

"That really how this is going to go down?" he sobered up from his previous teasing attitude towards trying to demean my outlook on life. He now saw how real everything must have been. I remained on guard.

"You want to tell me what this is really about, Levi? You sure this," his hand waved suggestively toward the ashtray by the sink, "habit isn't due to stressing about your past?"

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