.Many Beautiful Things.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes


"A blind person, in reality, is the only person who can truly see. They know first hand what true love is, without the use of eyes, but with the heart. And that is the truest form of love, and they harness it"


The night is so dark, almost like oil spilling on the sky, painting it with a blanket of dread. Black was such a boring, yet frightening color. I never understood its meaning to life. However, you can't have light without dark. It makes everything about anything just, unbalanced. Eren was the light some people couldn't see. Reiner was someone also blind to see his light. So it's pretty easy to just brush right past him. They're never looking in the right direction anyway...

Maybe Eren was the only one in the world that could see something no one else had seen before. What I never understood about him was if he was trying to get me to see the light as well. I was too blind to that brightness, and Eren had too much vision to understand that about me. "Levi, I've been talking for three minutes now and you haven't interrupted me yet. What's wrong?" Eren voice pierced me back into the dark, reality. "Sorry," I felt myself speak, trying to apologize and sound like I didn't mean it.

"Levi? Apologizing to little-old me? I think you're turning soft-" This time I cut him off.

"I'm not." He just hummed at my angered answer, almost satisfied with my remark. Like as if he was waiting for it this whole time. "I see," He really could see.

The whole time I walked him back to the music room, he didn't seem to shut his trap about the god forsaken dog he almost physically forced me to keep. Why would I agree with such a thing? No, not because of the constipated face he made to try and have me keep the rat. Although it was funny to watch. I kept it to ease his mind, though I just let the dog scramble all over Hanji's apartment next door to mine.

"I wanna come out, Levi! C'mon I've never been before." Eren abruptly cut off my piano practice. My fingers stopped, almost shaking above the keys. "No. It's a mess, Eren." I answered truthfully. It had been over 24 hours since I've re-polished all of my silverware and dust the living room. I couldn't let Eren into my private dwelling space if he would be walking straight into a pigsty.

"I highly doubt that, you're like the cleanest person I know!" Eren exclaimed, his hand holding onto my arm when I stood up. I looked down at him, seeing Eren making the constipated face once more. It was funny to watch. "You wouldn't understand, it's disgusting," I explained simply, carefully taking my gloves off, finger by finger. Eren huffed in anger.

"Life is messy, Levi. Get over it. Isn't Kenny a mess? You don't seem to mind!" I shrugged, quickly realizing he didn't hear that. "Yes, one could say that. Sheds all over it's disgusting." My mind went back to the time I saw Hanji washing Kenny, scrubbing him down with every shampoo, soap or spray that the pets store had. The dog just stood there, his tongue dangling from his mouth. Fur still fell upon her furniture, and I was appalled at the sight.

"So it's set, I'm coming over! You're walking me there after school end of discussion," Eren happily cheered, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Why was the brat so damn stubborn? I've never liked dogs. Or any animals for that matter. Except one...


"Mum! Mum look at this one. It's so pretty." I almost pressed my face against the glass of the display to the cats. Her hand gently took my own and walked into the Pet shop. "Levi now calm yourself, don't make a scene. Wipe your hands again, you've probably touched the dirty glass." Hand Sanitizer was squirted into my tiny soft palms and I rubbed my hands together.

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