.Unhopeful Dreams.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes


"Love never dies a natural death, it does because we don't know how to replied its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing."


| Levi |

    I laid across my bedspread, my heart being clenched by a fist, wanting to crush it until there was nothing left but ashes and rubble.

It had been only a day since Eren and I stopped talking like real friends do. Ever since he left, everything about me had worsened.

I wiped down the door handles before touching them, I counted the number of steps I took going from point A to point B.

I would silently tallied the words Hanji rapped to me, able to easily keep up with her fast-paced language. "Did you wash him again?" I asked Hanji, my eyes closed but I heard her open the door, trying to be stealthy.

She seemed disappointed when I inevitably heard her; she wasn't the quietest of people when it came down to her.

"Twice this hour. You don't even see the dog, so why do you care about its hygiene?" Hanji inquired, laying down beside me. I would have to re-wash those sheets... again. Hanji got her filthy self all over it.
School was one of the worst things I have been to, but there were times I felt like the hours ticking away were tolerable to say the least.

The students laughed and looked at me when I wiped down the seat before sitting down in the chair, then beginning to clean the tabletop.

"Fuckin' freak," Another thing that happened when Eren stopped talking to me, was I snapped at people more than I already did. I was in the double digits of the amount of fights I got into... a day.

My eyes flashed to my bruised and cut fists, scoffing to myself. Even I couldn't keep myself clean.

"You'll see. You're all going to die of some sickness one day and I'll be the sadist laughing," I whispered, finishing one last swipe at the desk. After Eren left, it had felt like I was going without a drug, and having to suffer the pain of a withdrawal.

A part of grief was denial, and I was stuck on that stage throughout our days spent together.

    I tried to escape that stage, but I would end up running back, fear tailing from behind. "Welcome student's to the sweet escape that is...." The teacher was quiet, her hands tucked behind her back.

She seemed like one of those teachers who had just escaped the 1980's. Her hair pinned up in French Curls, and she wore a long skirt, short shirt, with high socks. Her color palette made me want to throw up.

"Theater!" Mrs. Windsdale screamed in horror, all the kids jumping up in their chair in shock and fear, but I just rolled my eyes, looking out the window to my left, letting the day continue to tick by. My mind going further than I usually allowed, but since Eren was gone I didn't care about how deep my brain led me.

    "Mom." I said aloud accidentally, seeing everyone in the class turn their head, their eyes widening in shock from the sight before them.

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