.Getting Warmer.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes


"For we walk by faith, not by sight,"



The summer, a season I hated. From the hot sun down to the disgusting dirt; I hated it all. Winter was the most comfortable season to live with.

I wasn't all for the heavy snow on the ground, but using the cold weather as an excuse to stay inside all day was a hidden blessing among most things in the freezing months.

Sadly, winter was far away and I had to survive every sweaty and miserable day helping Eren doing things everyone else can. I know he is plenty capable of reading Braille and walking in his house, but Eren used those excuses like I used cold weather excuses in the winter.

His intentions on being my friend were clear, but I was never angry at such a thing. I didn't have anyone to talk to either. I just didn't mind being alone as much as he did.

That damn brat.

I was in my tiny apartment, the thermostat turned down to a low 60 degrees, I could almost see the cloud of air escape my lips. The same ones that attacked Eren's own. I almost shuddered at the memory.

The sad part is I don't know if I shuddered because I didn't want to remember, or because I did want to.

It was the messiest thing that had happened to me ever since I had moved here. Other than the time I was on the plane to the States and a fat pig was beside me, sneezing and coughing. He apologized but that was nothing to help the pain I endured that flight.

As I went to go leave, I walked to the front door of the apartment, but I stopped momentarily, hearing loud footsteps. There was a loud thud at the door. Not again... "Hanji..." I growled to myself, touching the door handle.

1 2 3 times.

I opened the door, seeing an excited Hanji bouncing on the balls of her feet. I simply walked past her before she had time to enter. "How did it go with Er-"


"Really? That's not what I heard. Someone told me things got pretty heat-"

"Nothing happened. I already told you this morning. Were you not listening or were you just fucking constipated?"

"I was constipated last week but not today!"


I was at the front lobby, and Hanji was still following me like a lost puppy. "Where are you going?"

I sighed at her questions. "Eren's." I answered, touching the door handle again.

1 2 3 times.

"Oh yeah he invited you to that thing.. Why didn't you say no? I heard it's messy there." I stiffened slightly, not realizing it until Hanji had pointed it out for me.

It was an outdoor event, and for being a 2-day music festival I'm sure everything was covered in germs and bacteria. Why wasn't it winter...

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now