.Broken Melody.

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Chapter Created By- @OfficialVibes

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"There's no dearth of kindness. In this world of ours; only in our blindness we gather thorns for flowers."

-Gerald Massey


    The trees during the springtime are absolutely beautiful. The leaves attached to the branches, grouped up to create the brightest of colors. I've always loved the spring. It was the time of peace and venture; but mostly it was just about the weather being perfect almost every day. Especially days with the quiet rain that tapped lightly against the window.

Hanji walked beside me, watching carefully as I draped the jacket over my shoulders, a coffee cup in hand and a death glare slapped onto my face. A usual day in my life on the weekend.

Eren never asked for my assistance back then during the weekend, but I wasn't sure whether it was because he wanted to be independent and do the weekend by himself or because he didn't want to waste my time. Considering how much time I actually have on a daily basis, I wouldn't have minded. Eren, on the other hand, minded a great deal.

    I was sure of it.

    "Just a fuckin' cafe. Must be shitting glittery magical, 'kind-of' food when we get there for this sort of walk," I hissed, taking a sip of my drink. I was just upset she had to slash my car tires yesterday, so I had to walk everywhere and I had to pay for them to get fixed.

Hanji simply nudged my shoulder, smiling to herself. "You're just upset I took your smokes,"

I looked in the corner of my eyes towards the rude scientist, noticing the box she held in her hand of the Camel's.

I scoffed under my breath, walking a few paces ahead of her. The cafe seemed like miles, light years away, but I simply was walking 10 blocks east of Northdale road. Only 3 blocks from Eren's house.

"1...2...3...4," I whispered under my breath, watching my footsteps and carefully looking back up to check for people, spotting no one. However, I still could see the worry Hanji was looking at me with.

"It's getting worse. You should take some meds for it. That or I bring you into a psych ward myself," Hanji slightly-joked, but I knew she was dead serious about the first part of her sentence. Rolling my eyes, I kept walking faster than her, making it to the cafe a block before she did.

Huffing, I wiped the door handle with a napkin, walking in by folding the napkin and tossing it into the nearest bin. I felt my shoulder hit against a soft chest, almost pushing it away so easily. "Watch it,"

"Sorry -... Levi?"

I looked up, beginning to glare at the sight in front of me until I realized who that was. "Eren?" I whispered in a shaky tone, remembering how things seemed to end last time with him quickly dashing out of the house from both fear and embarrassment.

Of me, most likely.

"Levi? W... What are you doing here?" He asked, looking down and somehow finding my eyes so quickly.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now