.Help Me See The Soft Sounds.

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Chapter Created By : @OfficialVibes


"What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self."


"Mom, are you sure we should go? I mean... There is a storm outside. It's terrible for driving." I told my mother, watching her put on a sparkly necklace.

I may just be a 15 year old Freshman in Highschool, but I knew what I was talking about when it came to driving in the rain. Mother simply clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth.

"Eren, calm down. I know you don't want to go to this dinner, but it's your Grandfather's 72nd birthday and we are going. Even if there is a tornado out we are still going. That's what you do for family, take risks," Her soft voice entered my ears and I just sighed, still unsure about leaving in this weather.

Inhaling, I smelled her fancy perfume, it was the same kind I got her for Christmas last year.

"What are we all standing around for? Let's go, I'm starving!" My father cheered from the living room, and I spun my head to watch him walk towards my Mother, whisper "You look beautiful" into her ear and walk towards the umbrella we had laying against the front door.

We ran from the house, dashing into the car and slamming the doors behind us. "That rain is really coming down, Carla. Are you sure we should leave?" My dad asked, hesitant to turn the engine on.

My mom stayed quiet, but was sure of her answer. "Yes, We'll be fine. Let's go."


I've always hated the rain. The sounds it makes when it crashes against the windows and on the rooftops.

Just listening to it makes me miserable. I love water, but rain can change everything in one second. It's a dangerous weapon Mother Nature has against all of us.

Today, there was another storm, lightning and thunder. The wind blowing harshly against the trees and cars outside.

However, I remained in my room, sitting at my desk. Every Time there was a clash of thunder, my heart would jump from my chest, stopping me for a second.

"How are you feeling, Eren?" Levi asked, reminding me he was sitting to my left. My body jumped a little, but my brain realized his presence much quicker.

"Me? I'm... I'll be okay," I said, a little too quickly and silently. Levi, on the other hand, responded with no further questions. Him not asking anything else sent relief washing over me.

"Are you going to talk about it, or just sit there looking constipated?" He spoke, his voice remaining blank.

For the time we have been talking, I've been getting better at reading his voice. Understanding his words and what he means behind it.

Yet, doing that is like a deaf person trying to watch a comedy show without a translator there to sign everything out for them.

When he asked if I wished to speak about my feelings I had, I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't sure if he really wanted me to talk about them or if he was just being polite, but still silently wishing I didn't, and pushed him away.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now