.Getting More Lost.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


"It is not miserable to be blind; it is miserable to be incapable of enduring blindness"

I find it counterproductive to use a song you'd want to play forever as your alarm clock, because you'd never shut it off. But it's also a complete waste of time if you wake yourself up with a heart attack every morning because the sound of a tornado warning is the best way to wake yourself up in the morning apparently. So I change it up every day.

Today, I was woken up by my mother's favorite song.


I reached over to slam it off and my hand knocked the phone over onto the floor. I desperately wanted it off, but I was half awake and I still hadn't figured out if my eyes were even open or not yet.

So, I just leaned over the edge and placed my face in my palms, attempting to drown out the depressing piano melody with thoughts of yesterday.


Yes- it was true that I lied to Levi. I was actually very aware of all sorts of tunes that the piano is capable of. But since my mother listened to slower songs most of the time, my heart was wrenching the first time I heard for real- not just recorded.

Levi... he was changing a lot of things about me though.

I finally got the stamina built up enough to go crawling along the floor for my phone to turn it off.

I had today as a kickback. I didn't have any real plans to go anywhere, but a hot shower was always a good trick to waking me up further. And since I planned on having breakfast which makes me drowsy, the shower was due.

Dad was still working, he'd gotten accustomed to leaving me on my own after weeks of trying to get him off my back for a little privacy, but unbeknownst to me, still tried making it up by babying me on the days he was home. He literally checked to see if I got out of the shower okay, but when he was at work, I'd be lucky to get the call that he had to work late again.

"In case you haven't noticed yet, it's gorgeous today and we are going out!" Connie shrieked from the background. Even though Christa had the phone nowhere near him, I still had to hold mine away from my ear a little bit.

"Sorry about him," she chuckled. "So you're ready now? Well, we won't be there for like an hour. Wanted to give you a heads up. I just never see you outside of school lately and this was Connie's idea," she explained to me.

His ranting from far away was literally the only explanation I got as to what 'out' even meant. And technically, I was friends with only Christa these days. The others were kids I hung out with whenever she was around, I wasn't really sure about her faith in these guys...

"I just- um, sure fine. But is it going to be for a long time? I gotta-,"

"No worries, Eren. We'll be back even before sundown. I promise you, Connie's definitely not in charge of all this, we'll take care of you, alright?"

Damn, she knew just how to sweet talk. And I'd opened up my side with the fact that I had no plans, so I couldn't really talk myself out of it on the spot. I agreed reluctantly.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now