.Giving In.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


"Imperfection is a form of freedom"

People have assumed for a long time that because I see nothing, that there is nothing in my eyes, nothing in my thoughts, and nothing in my future. I bet they think we're all just probably stupid from the moment we gain the label 'disabled'.

All of that shit seemed to disappear tonight. All anyone wanted to talk about were the sounds.
I could feel a painfully wearing smile on my cheeks for the majority of it as well, and Levi seemed to notice this. I held his hand mostly out of fear of losing him for a while. But when I felt him squeeze it, he was also comforting.
"Hear that?" he asked me. I assumed he was talking about the sound we were closest to. It sounded like soft rock mixed with classic piano. I was conflicted to believe whether it was grunge or classical, it almost contradicted itself.

I frowned. "I'll take that as a yes," he smirked through his voice.

"Ever heard anything like it?" another male voice asked. I shook my head in their direction, even though I didn't know if they were even talking to me. "It was my father's passion, so I thought I would bring it out here to show people."

"I like what you've done to it," Levi said back. "I'm trying to get this brat to enjoy it the same amount, so what have you got?"

They went on like that for a few minutes before Levi finally purchased a CD from the man, and said it was for me. I had to admit that the music came across as slow and easy, but Levi just scoffed at me and my tastes, telling me how he'd fix that and 'slow me down one of these days'... whatever the hell that meant.

We spent hours downtown, going to different stands, and hanging out at the main arena for a part of the time when a few of the major, rock, country, and pop bands were gathered. I told them apart easily, but Levi didn't seem quite as interested in them.

"It's about nine o'clock, you want to head back?" he asked me. I already thought we were about near the entrance we came in through anyway, so I shrugged, and he led me in the direction of a restaurant to eat.

There was an obnoxious yapping dog somewhere nearby, and Levi started to drag me in the opposite direction on the empty street.
"Wait!" I told him. "Where is it?" I flipped my head around frantically.

He sighed, "It's filthy, what do you want to do with a dog?"

"Let's just go!" I started dragging him instead.
"Hold on, Jaeger! That's a tree!"

"Hello," I called out to the girl I could hear coddling the pup.

"Uh... Hi," Levi said.
"Do you want my dog?" the little girl asked.

"Huh?" I frowned. She was giving it away? Was that it?

"I, uh, don't think that's-," Levi stuttered out.
I cut him off, wishing I hadn't since his stuttering was pretty adorable. I didn't want him ruining this chance though. "Who do you have here?" I crouched down on the ground facing them.

"He's our German Shepard. I have to give him away," the girl sounded accusing, as though the ones who were telling her to give him up were right there with her. She sounded almost like she was going to cry.

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