.Dreadful Light.

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A/N: Voting shows you appreciate the writer(s); commenting shows you took something from it. This is the chapter everyone needs to vote on because RakaiaNovelette worked very hard on it. This chapter is beautiful and deserves all the love ❤️

Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


"My soul is full of whispered song; My blindness is my sight; The shadows I feared for so long are alive with light"
-Alice Cary



No; to the question, do I have a hairbrush. The answer is no.

Armin didn't like that answer very much. (Luckily he had one stored away for 'emergencies').

"He's not going to notice, Armin..." I droned. I'd begun to regret his help after about the first hour.

"Oh really? From what I've heard, I'm sure your rat's nest would surely scare the hell out of him! I thought you said you don't need anybody's help getting ready every day...?" he prodded.

I meant it, but apparently in the time that I've lost the ability to care about people's appearances, styles have changed and 'messy hair' is totally out. I waved my hand absently toward him, to let him continuing his work. He promised me that he would make me look the same, just more presentable, whatever the hell that meant.

    "You remember what you're going to say to him?" I nodded, half listening. "You're not going to insult him, right? And stop looking so far down when he's by you. I know you do it to a lot of people because you're taller than them, but it makes them feel so much smaller, you know."

    I straightened up instantly, remembering that part vividly. That would help me with a lot of other things too, so I realized just how smart he is.

    "He's mysterious, right? Then stop trying to make the guy talk. I know neither of you consider each other friends, so it's kinda awkward, but at least try and stay civil, even if you're tearing your hair out inside. I mean it, don't do it! I'm putting a lot of effort into it here, don't you dare even reach your hand up to think about it!"

    I sniffed at the air. "Wait... is that... hair gel?!"

    Armin sighed, "You have a lot to learn, my friend."

    I grabbed his arm from my hair and brought it down to my shoulder. It was a habit I'd gotten into when trying to get people's attention. I kept it there as I spoke in a serious tone, suddenly feeling really nostalgic.

"I want you to know. Even if we were doing something else, I'm glad we're hanging out again."

    He gripped my shoulder so his hand wouldn't just be limp in the air. "Of course! You really think that dating advice is my specialty, let alone preference? I'm doing this because you need it, and because I miss you. Kind of a 'two birds with one stone' kind of thing."

    "So does that mean that you won't go back into hiding once I don't need you again?"

    He was quiet.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now