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Destin gets the all clear from the doctor who notifies the Des Glory school and his parents that he's now an adult but Blaze complains about his younger brother changing before him.

Oh stop complaining. You had children before me. Damn, nothings good enough for you. Come on Century let's go talk about those lesson you want son.

Blaze frowns shaking his head as they walk away but I hear the thought he's keeping to himself.

Why is he calling him son? He's nothing to him but a friend. He doesn't have to act so fatherly to the boy.

I grin then slightly smile realizing that Destin has accepted Century as my child.

Why are you smiling like that sweetie?

Blaze asks taking my hand so I shrug and smile bigger.

I was hoping we would find him and my father and things would go good. Then we did and now Destin seems to have bonded with him. He needs a good role model and a good father figure. Destin's the perfect friend for him.

I thought we were going to raise him together? What's wrong with me being his father figure?

I look at him and smile softly.

We have our children sweetie and they need all of your attention, plus it seems like those 2 have really hit it off.

He grins with a nods as he watches them talking but they match each other well. Century's even built larger like Destin which is rare for a young vampire. Blaze huffs not liking the idea but leaves it alone for the time being.

So Anita? Now that you've come to France and we've met you are you going to stay for a while? I mean your father has told me about your visit and how you were going to come back. I just never really expected to see you again. Especially with a family and truly as Daniels daughter.

Well Candy the day I came here was the day you met Daniel and obviously you and I didn't agree at the time which you know. However, we won't discuss that. My parents are mending their relationship and my dad Peter is asking for a DNA test but I already have all the test results in an envelope that king Christopher held for me. We already had the DNA test done during my last visits.

Well isn't that just convenient. You've just thought of everything haven't you...? I guess you already knew we we're having another child to then and you probably already know what we're having and know the name to right?

I snicker at her sarcastic questions but I shake my head.

Actually Candy. No. I don't know everything and no I didn't know you we're having another child. I only knew about Karlen and Finlo. This child is news to me to but I am happy for you.

Daniel and Blaze interrupt our conversation then.

You ladies aren't going to start comparing children now are you? Anita is here to get to know me and visit with our family not talk to you about the past and future. Let's move on already.

I agree sweetie. We came here to get to know your family not to get into all that.

We both huff as we look at each other then pick up the children and walk into the house ignoring them while we continue talking about their upcoming arrival.

They actually think they can tell us what to do. Crazy men. So do you have a place in mind for your family to live after school or are you still looking?

No, I took Blaze to see it earlier and he's okay with it. Oh there's something I'd like to ask you. It happened in the past, or future that I traveled to and well, I'd like to know if you want to do it again or not?

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now