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Cary? Kevin? Where are you?

I silently message them to hear a whisper from Kevin.

Shh mom, he can hear your thoughts.

Who?! Where are Karlen and Finlo?!

I ask now in more of a panic but quietly. Cary answered me then.

We saved them mom! They almost died but we saved them! We couldn't save Maliki though. We had to hide. He's to strong.

That's when a huge vampire grabs my arm spinning me around.

I've come to collect you and those abominations you call your children.

He demanded squeezing my arm causing Kevin to stand from his hiding place.

Get off my mother or else!

Kevin's youth is apparent but his build is another thing and his talent has yet to be told. Although he has grown to a young teen, his build is still one of a young man.

Or else what boy?

Or else I'll bring my father back to kill you.

Kevin threatens but the huge vampire just laughs. Such a talent has never been heard of. Nobody can call the dead to rise or to fight. But to Kevin this is no joke. He's 100% serious.

Oh scary. Hahaha. Little boys and their fantasies. You can't even teach you children what real talents are you worthless whore.

As the words leave his mouth I began shocking him but he just stands there laughing as if unfazed. Then suddenly Kevin smacks the ground.

Father I need you here now. Mother is in danger and we need your protection. Come forth and destroy the one who seeks us harm.

The ground began to rumble and rocks begin rolling together forming a perfect body with a sword that quickly turned to steel. The body then begins to breath then jumps up becoming flesh causing me to freeze at the sight of Blaze standing in front of me.

Release her and have your battle with me you swine. Are you such a good bounty hunter that you choose to hunt women and children?

The huge vampire lookes down at me curious about who the new man wis but quickly hears my mind and grins.

You are of the dead and trying to fight in the living world! This is forbidden! Leave us creature!

Blaze refuses gripping the sword.

Not until you release my mate and children! They have done you no harm!

He demands back so the huge vampire pushs me away knocking me into Kevin allowing me to copy his talent but also allowing me to see Finlo and Karlen sitting with Cary with their new set of wings. This isn't a good thing so I shake my head.

Great, that's just great. Cary get them to Maliki! He's at the car and tell him to send Destin and Daniel and to hurry! Tell them there's a fight that Kevin and I are still in danger! Go quickly, I'll shield you.

I throw a shield up. I'll allowing them to escape but that still leaves me and Kevin here to watch as Blaze fights with this huge monstrosity of a vampire. They argue briefly then he demands Blaze leave again and I see Kevin grow week so I press my hands onto the ground pushing Kevin away, taking over making him look at me.

Sorry Kevin sweetie but I won't allow you to drain yourself. I can do this.

Suddenly Blaze grows stronger and I can feel his presence again. Then Destin and Daniel flash in.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now