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So Mrs. War's...

The doctor starts but I cut him off.

Uh, no. My name is Walters. My son's father is no longer with us as you can see. Plus he never claimed me or signed my papers so please doc. My name is Anita Marie Walters.

He nods but continues to walk over to Century.

It seems that you and your son are both in excellent condition. It's been quiet some time since our hospital's had a baby born with wings. However, I'm told just a few days ago one was born over in Des Glory to the War's High King and Queen. They're known for their wings there but not here and their wings are much different than yours.

I let him finish before I smile with a small laugh.

Yes I know about that baby. That was me. I am Anita Marie Walters. Daughter of High Queen Tracy War's but there was a mix up about my father. I'm a Walters. Peter War's isn't my father but he doesn't know that I've returned here or that my mother had the affair. I prefer to keep it that way. You Will keep this a secret until they tell everyone.

He blinks but nods add quickly agrees then signs something on his computer. Then the nurse comes in all smiles.

Looks like the doctor has signed for you to be released with your son. You're free to go whenever your ride gets here.

They leave the room and I get dressed then bungle century up in my swaddle and the little outfit they provided until I can go to the store to buy him something better. We leave the hospital and teleport to the mall where I buy a new outfit putting him in it then buy myself a new outfit so I can get out if these old dirty ones. Afterward I take our clothes and wash them. I know I'll need to wear the same thing to travel home in.

This will be your home until I come for you Century. Make sure you learn to speak french and English. Mommy doesn't speak much French yet. And remember that Chris is your cousin but Nola is your half sister. You try to behave yourself while mommy's away and know that I love you very, very much.

The night time and my time has started to end so I teleport to the Nola at the small hut at the French school where she's now enrolled. She smiles as I look at her.

Nola please don't let Century grow up without me and I want you to send pictures of him as he grows to these two addresses. I know I'll be at them both but you Will not visit me at them or send others to. You understand.

She blinks but quickly agree. I hate to will her but I'm sure she'd try it she thought it would bring me home faster.

Now, you label the envelopes one to Anita and the other you write on it 'Angel's gift' I want the same pictures sent in both envelopes every time but do not mail them from here. You must send them from somewhere else and only in the one addressed to Anita you will disclose your location but not the other. It must go with pictures only. Do you got it?

Yes but why send double the pictures and only tell you where we are in one of them?

I smile at Nola then continue as I answer her.

I do not wish for Nathen to try to take Century or to try to find you. He knows you're his daughter and if he finds out about your whereabouts he may come looking and I cannot risk that until I return. Century cannot stay with you if you can't do this for me. You Will keep him safe and follow my instructions, won't you. If he comes here you Will leave until he leaves. You go to Finland for vacation. That is where your mother is from. You can go the yes.

I say it more to will her but they take it as a question and agree.

Nathen won't find out about me or Century until you return as Anita but you must give me your word that you will set things right and inform him when you return.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now