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Would you say something? Or at least do something.

He looks at me happy but also upset and mournful for his lost child. He regrets not saving them and not giving his child the chance to live.

I can see that you need time to think about this and decide if you want to be with me and our child. I'll be in my room when you're ready to talk.

I thought for sure he'd stop me after seeing that Rosa too off to find Jade but no he just stands there while I grab my things and go back to my room to cry. How could he be so insensitive? I know he misses them but he's such a jerk for not stopping me. Rosa can have him if he doesn't want me and our baby, I'll raise him myself. Hell I'll even go save his other child and raise it. I bet he didn't really want it either. I'll teach that asshole. He'll get his. I sit on my bed quickly wiping my eyes then change into my other cloths but taking Rosa's dress and things with me as I travel farther back in time. I stop when I see Nathen and his mate talking by the school doors. She's very pretty but he's still mine and I can feel the connection to him. I thought that would go away when I left. She tells him she's leaving and he'll meet her after but he complains that he wants her to wait for him. She ends up leaving and he mopes back to his house where I follow him causing him to look at me.

Hello, do I know you?

He quickly asks but I just smile and shake my head.

No, I don't think so. I just came to see my cousin Sylvie. Doesn't she live in this hut?

He grins but I can feel his emotions and his thought are mixed. He feels the connection to but doesn't understand it.

Yes she does but she just left for Finland. She's applying for a job there. If she gets it, I guess well be moving. I'm her mate Nathen, Nathen War's. She never mentioned having any living family other than those that I've already met. She actually told me the rest of her family had been killed. It's a touchy subject.

I nod with a frown so I don't give myself away then sigh.

Yes well, as you can see I am very much alive and I am the only one who was able to survive the attack. Maybe I should go straight to her. I would like to see Sylvie before she leaves.

He smirks and grabs my wrist to stop me but quickly let's go feeling the tingle between us as an image of our child pops into his head but not by my choice.

Um... What your name?

I quickly think about that. I've already used my name's from the future so I can use Rosalind's name. No, then he'll get suspicious. I know.

Oh sorry, I'm her cousin Angel

Well Angel can you tell me how you escaped all those humans and the fire?

I listen to his trick question now knowing he's trying to catch me lying.

Well Nathen. For one it wasn't humans or fire. It was a band of vampires who were angry with my father and mother for trying to overthrow the king so the king had them all killed. Sylvie and her parents weren't there and I only escaped because they couldn't see me. I am very good at hiding. See.

His mind spins as I go invisible then reappear right in front of him.

Yeah that explains a lot. Sorry for not just believing you but she's told me several times that nobody survived except her and her parents. She's gonna be very excited that you're alive. Come on I'll take you to the airport to see her.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now