Nerds Need Love Too: Chapter 4

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I was know out sitting under the big old oak tree in front of our school.

The only thing that was on my mind was who this secret admirer is.

"HOLA!! ARE YOU MILLY!" I looked up to see a girl that looked sixteen or seventeen. She had light demin jeans, a white t-shirt and to pair it off some black TOMS. She was wearing a purple beanie and had a messenger bag crapped on her shoulder.

I nodded and she squealed. I looked at her as if she was crazy. She giggled.

Go figure.

She calm down and sat right next to me. "My name is Jessica Albert!" She smiled.

"Not to be rude..but who are you and why are you talking to me?"

She looked a bit taken back but hid it and laughed. "You really don't remember me? I must have change a lot over the summer then." I shook my head. " I was your best friend in elementry. But .. (she looked down and up at me) we kinda lost touch over the summer and in middle school you never talked to me. High school well-I wanted to make a change. I wanted to be what we use to be back then. I know you usually keep to yourself. But yeah.. Every since we became friends you were the only one I could have trust, believe in me. You were like my sister" she smiled a little.

That was when I remembered everything. Jessica Lisa Albert. We use to best friends but had lost touch. I use to see her around school everyday with the popular kids-or what looked like popular kids.

"I do remember you. I just though you were choosing your friends over me. I just though maybe you like them more then me..."shrugged my shoulders, I look down at the grass.

She gasped. "Mill I would never be that person. You were always my best friend. You still are." she gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

It was nice to know I have one of my friends back.

Jessica and I catch up about how are lives were now. Her mom and dad had gotten a divorced and she's currently living with her dad here, but goes every summer to her mom's house up in Maine. She has two puppies name Alberto and Burrito and a younger sister name Kimmy. I told her my story about the secret admirer and she squealed. Again..


It's good to know that I at least had one friend here.

Not counting Jake one or Nick though. 

Opening the door, I dropped my bag and head toward the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab a water bottle and a brownie. 


I looked down to see Mary purring at my feet. I picked her up and feed her a piece of the brownie that was in my hand. "Hey Mary" I headed upstairs before stripping off my clothes and taking a nice warm bath. 

I was awaken by the sound of my phone being vibrated on the night stand. I groaned before picking up the phone. 

For you,

I'd catch every Pokemon from every game.

I'd stop Galactus, Apocalypse, and The Covenant.

I'd gather every last piece of the tri-force.

I'd get all the stars and show Bowser who's boss.

I'd blow up the Death Star and defeat the Empire.

I'd get the one ring, and destroy it faster than any hobbit.

I'd defeat all 7 of your evil exes.

I'd save the world twice as fast as the Avengers and the Justice League combine.

I'd survive all eight campaigns of the zombie apocalypse.

I'd unite the Tau, Orcs, and the Imperium of Man.

I'd travel all of Azeroth, and complete every quest.

I'd stop the sands of time.

I would even sit through the first Hulk Movie.

Just to make you happy and safe.

A/N : How do you think is the "secret admirer" ? Do you like the note? Vote & Comment :)  

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