❥ Chapter Thirty ❥

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Written by Deadlydisasters

Everett's POV

We've spent all morning shopping for new clothes, we showered before we left the hotel and tried to clean the clothes on our backs up but I don't think that did anything. I'm getting dressed in one of the dressing rooms, Ash is doing the same in the dressing room next to me. We have already payed for them using another stolen credit card, I'm really happy that so far none of the credit cards have been canceled yet.

I'm extremely irritated I wasn't able to grab my leather jacket on the way out of the house but I'm a little okay because I've bought a new one. I'm just putting on the new leather jacket when the door to the room next to me clicks open and Ash's heavy boots stomp on the wooden floor.

I pull on the leather jacket and check my appearance real quick in the mirror. I'm wearing black jeans and a dark green shirt, it's not an ugly dark lime green. I would never buy a color so disgusting, this shirt is a full dark green. My hair is messy but it's a good messy so I don't bother trying to fix it. I smile a little when I notice that the lights in this dressing room shows the actual color of my hair, very dark brown. It's so dark that most of time when I'm not in proper lighting it looks black.

I nod to my reflection and unlock the door. I step out of the room and Ash looks up from his phone. He's wearing all black and has a new leather jacket too because he wasn't able to grab his either. He's wearing all black, the ends of his hair blend in with his leather jacket. The rest of the new clothes we bought we already put in the car, we just had to come back in the store to change. He smiles at me and tells me,

"I thought you were going to be in there much longer fixing your hair or something." I glare at him and walk away. I have my disgusting clothes under my arm and as soon as I get to one of the big dark blue trash cans that are set up all around the store, I throw the clothes out.

Ash is behind me and does the same with his old clothes. I can tell he's shaking his head at my behavior but I don't care. I want an apology, he shouldn't insult the person who held him all night to help him get over what his parents did to him.

"You're absolutely right Everett, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have insulted you." Ash said, I turned around and his face was hidden by his hair. I've noticed he does that a lot when he's sad or frightened. It took a second to process what he just said.

"How the heck did I not notice I said that out loud? I always read stuff in books about characters who say stuff out loud without realizing it and I've never understood how they do that. I guess you just have to be really deep in your thoughts then." I tell him, he raises his head and just kind of stares at me with that 'are you serious' look.

I smile at him and grab his hand, we're standing in the middle of the sidewalk and luckily there is no one else walking or else we would be blocking them. We walk in silence to the Impala, I'm not sure what abandoned house we are going to stay in but it better at least have some nice furniture. I do not want to sleep on a dusty floor.

We get in the car and I start driving to different abandoned house locations. This morning I had looked up on my phone different empty homes located all around the state and a few in the states boarding ours.
"Where are we staying now?" Ash asks me.

He's back on his phone, I can't see what he's doing but his fingers are moving quickly across the screen, leading me to believe that he's texting someone. Who the heck could he be texting though? I am the only contact in his phone. "Empty homes, we don't need to spend more of the money that isn't ours. We'll look at a few and select the best one, luckily none of the locations are close to our house so neither my father or the police will find us." I tell him, there are lots of cars out this afternoon. Making our drive much longer then it has to be.

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