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It was 10:30 PM on a Tuesday night when I heard the loud banging on my front door. I was studying for an exam as uncle Neli slept. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Who would be coming by this late on a Tuesday?" I wondered aloud. I pad my way down the stairs and to the front door. The banging increases and I can now hear a voice yelling.

"Nell! Cornelius o-op-open the door it's Charles." my father yells leaning his body against the stained glass of our front door.

I unlock the door and slowly pull it open as my father stumbles in falling to his knees I look him over in concern.

"Dad are you alright?" I ask attempting to lift him up. He regains a bit of his balance and stands to his own two feet. He squints at me through the dark of the room with a confused face and smiles.

"Ollie V. I forgot you lived with Nell." he mumbles staggering over to the living room to lay on one of Uncle Neli's couches.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I question watching the drunken older man kick his shoes off.

"My landlord booted me out. Somethin' 'bout noise and late rent." he mumbles laying on his face.

"So you got evicted." I state looking down on him. He begins to snore before I realize he had fallen asleep on me. I sigh and walk back up the stairs to continue studying.

The following morning after showering and dressing for school I wander down stairs to find that my father is still passed out on the couch. I blink slightly before writing him a note.

Whenever your done here you can just leave, the door locks automatically. If you're up before 9, Neli might give you a ride of you need it. Eat whatever you want, Eva will make it.

I push my glasses up on my face and leave the note on the coffee table in front of him before taking off to school.

After a long day I was looking forward to getting back home. My car pulls up our driveway to see the front door open and multiple unrecognized vehicles. Uncle Neli's car is nowhere in sight and loud music can be heard blasting through the backyard. I glare in shock before looking over to the driver,and our butler, Eddie.

"I'll call the police." he says whipping out his phone.

"Thank you, Eddie." I say getting out of the car and slamming the door shut. I stomp up to the front door and stare inside at the chaos. Many adult bodies, wet and grinding on each other.

And I don't mean sweating, I mean soaked in water.

I look around in utter disgust as I walk through my home and to the backyard.

Grown men smoking and gambling in the middle of the sun room. Women flashing their bare bodies. Couples having sex in the middle of the kitchen!

"Hey Fucktards! People eat there you asshats, that is so unsanitary!" I yell grabbing the broom and beating the couple attempting to reproduce on the kitchen island.

I look through the back door and see my father by the grill chatting up a storm with some bitch with a head shaped like a yam.

I storm up to him and shove his ass in the pool.

"Olivia, what the fuck!" he yells.

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