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Going out wasn't the worst thing. I get buy clothes and shoes with Mae all day whole receiving snapchats from the boys screwing around. It was a fun time. Mae kept telling me that I needed to learn to do my own makeup before next week so we were going to be working on that once we were back at the hotel. I also needed to learn to walk in heels which would only be a huge disaster waiting to happen. But it was a must. I've never even worn a heel thinner than two inches across, how am I suppose to learn to walk on these gorgeous chopsticks with strings she told me to buy.

"Okay Opal... walk honey." Mae said.

I stood up stumbling a little then walked forward down the step then across the room.

"Okay, a little wobbly getting up, but overall great." She said walking towards me in her own heels. Show off. "Okay so when you're wearing heels down sit to where your knees are raised it makes it harder to get up, which is why you stumbled. I apologize for letting you start on the couch." She said laughing.

"But I did good right?" I asked. "Yes, yes you did. You only looked like a baby doe a little bit." she says making me chuckle.  "And I bought you flats while you weren't looking." She said. I grinned and mouthed 'thank you'.

There was a knock at the door before Louis came in. "I'm just gonna pretend like you said come in." He said shutting the door and sitting on the couch.

"I'm the only one who hasn't met you yet. Hi I'm Louis." He said sticking out his hand.

"Hi Louis, I'm Opal, this is my stylist Mae." I said shaking his hand. "And what are you two beautiful ladies doing today?" I giggled and coughed trying to cover it up.

"Nothing, just girl stuff." Mae said. "So why'd you come down here Louis? Was it just to meet Opal?"

"Oh no, that's not it." He says smiling.

Mae and I exchange looks between each other then.back to Louis. "Well...what is it?"

"Oh Liam needs you. I just wanted to make him late as possible."

"Louis!" I yell as he smirks. "You're so mean." I say punching him in the arm. I slipped on some flats and leaving the room.

I ran down the hallway to Liam's room and pushed his door open.

"Liam, Louis said- and your naked, okay." I said turning around and shutting the door.

"Opal! What did you see?!" he yells in an sheepish voice.

"You... naked." I reply giggling.

"How are you so calm about this? You just saw my d-"

"Okay one; no I didn't. And two; there's nothing to freak out about. I've seen people naked tons of times, I took art classes." I say in an assuring voice. "Nudity is natural. No one comes out of the womb in a tailored suit, Liam."

"I guess. I just.. I feel like this is revenge for this morning." He says. I can hear the rustle of clothes being thrown on.

"Why would it be revenge?" I ask. He let out a long sigh. "I saw you in your underwear." He said sounding.. ashamed?

"Liam those were pajamas. And I couldn't have known you were, ya know, in the nude."

" got me there." He said with a small laugh. "You can turn around now."

I turn to see Liam in a black tee with dark jeans and a flannel wrapped around his waist.

"Is that Zayn's shirt?" I ask immediately.

"Umm.. possibly." He says nonchalantly.

"Oh I'm only asking cause I met up with him a few weeks ago and he was wearing it." I say smirking.

Liam looks down at his shoes and sighs. "Don't tell the others."

"I knew it!" I yelled.

"Shhh, Zayn isn't really speaking to the other lads at the moment and I don't want them to know he's only talked me. Please don't tell!" He pleaded.

I nodded mumbling Ziam under my breath. "I'm not gonna expose you Liam. Now what did you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Lou- Oh Louis you clever dog you." I say chuckling. "Never mind, Li."

"So quick question. How d'you know Zayn?"

"Oh, my mother was best friends with Trisha. Zayn is like family to me."

"Don't you think its weird that you've never met any of us... actually, have you ever even attended any of our concerts?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Oh I have. Zayn treats me like a little sister, but like way more protective. He said I couldn't meet you guys cause Harry is 'some type of charming flirt', Louis 'has this way of getting any girl', Niall does this look that'drops panties', and I was in love with your boyishly cute curls and smile. So Zayn said I couldn't meet you."

"How'd he feel about you getting this job then?"

"He yelled. Then yelled some more, told me I wasn't leaving the country to go back home, then threatened Harry's if he does something to me." I said laughing at the memory

"Are you sure he doesn't think your his daughter?" He said laughing.

"He might." I laughed. "So do you wanna go do something?" I asked.

"Um, you hungry?" I nodded. "Then let's go." I say guiding him out of the door.

"What are you up for?" He asks slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure. A foot long wiener sounds good right about now." I mumble giggling to myself.

"Wait, what?" he says.

"A foot long sub sounds good too, with...meat balls." I say letting out an uncontrollable laugh.

"Opal did you see my..?" Liam begins to ask as I let out uncontrollable fits of laughter.

"Well did you see it or not? This isn't the time for jokes."

I manage to catch my breath between laughs and speak again "Oh come on Liam, I've seen them before. It's natural." I giggle out.

"Yeah, but not mine!"

Super short cause I suck my bad  and its a filler im sorry I'll try harder

Pic of Opal at the top

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