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I made my way downstairs and through the lobby to where Harry stood looking for me.

"Styles." I said approaching him.

"Wow... knocked the breath right out of me." He says.

My cheeks burn and a try to prevent from smiling too hard.

"Lets go Styles." I say looping my arm around his.

"I meant what I said. You're the most breath taking woman I'll ever see."

"Kill me." I whisper.


"A jazz club? You like jazz Styles?" I ask taking my seat at our table.

"I do," he says pushing my chair in. " and I know you do as well." he says sitting across from me.

"I also can't believe you really brought your dog with you." he said chuckling.

"He's a vicious guard dog he's making sure you polite and gentlemanly all night" I joke placing him in the chair beside me.

"He probably likes jazz too huh?" he asks petting Grizzly's soft fur.

"You did your research." I say chucking.

" I did I didn't want to let you down tonight."

"What made you think you would had let me down?"

"I just have this strange feeling that I will. This contract... It's more than just two years of my life to me. I wanted to be fun for the both of us. " he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Don't be silly." I say grabbing his hand and smiling at him. " you're off to a great start I'm having fun already."

He smiled linked our fingers together.

"Good." he mumbles.

A waitress comes to our table and sets down to dishes if front of us and a bottle of champagne.

"Enjoy!" she says.

"Oh but we didn't-"

"I did." Harry says. "Could you also bring a banana sauce and water for the puppy." he asks the waitress.

"I hope you enjoy steak and a potato as much as I hoped you would." he says smiling.

"I love steak." I say biting my tongue.

"If I'm being honest I knew that too" he says with a wink.

I giggle and to cut into my steak, before looking around.

"Did you know that an elephant trunk has more than forty thousand muscles in it?" I ask sticking a piece of the stake into my mouth.

"They what?" Harty asks chuckling slightly.

"Yeah that's why they use them so often, yet hummingbirds have one hundred times faster of a metabolism. And they're so small so it's like-you're laughing at me." I say stopping mid sentence.

"No, no I'm not this is interesting. Any thing else you wanna teach me on this date?" he says trying not to laugh again.

"You are making fun of me you bully! This is why I never got dates in high school..that and I was a lot younger than everyone else." I say. "I tell facts about animals when I'm nervous." I groan out placing my face into my palms.

"Olivia..its okay. You don't have to be nervous around me." he says giving me a soft smile.

This contract isn't just two years to me either.

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