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He's cheating on me. Wow, I knew I wasn't fucking wrong.

"Opal you need to calm down. That phone call could've meant anything." Mae says sitting down next to me on the couch as I angrily add the last few touches to my Halloween costume.

"She called me Mrs. Twist. Meaning that Harry saved my name in his phone as 'Mom', meaning that he's not just cheating, he's religiously cheating on me!" I yell pricking my finger slightly.

"That's just the hormones talking." Raven says.

"But, what if it isn't! What if Harry is playing me like a fiddle with no remorse." I say trying to concentrate on my stitching.

"Lets take your mind off things. What are you making?" Raven says.

"My Halloween costume." I mumble finishing the last of my sewing.

"Is that a Doctor Seuss hat?" Mae says.

"It is." I say. "I'm gonna be the cat in the hat, but since I'm pregnant with twins, I sewed a red circle over my baby bump that says thing one and thing two." I say feeling a bit of accomplishment.

"That's so cute!" Mae says.

"I know, I even made the babies onesies. I mean they wont be born by Halloween but it would still be cute." I say feeling a bit down.

"Fucking Harry," I mumble. "Whatever I'll just move out." I say setting my things to the side.

"Help me up, I'm gonna make cookies." I say sticking out my hands.

"What do you mean you're gonna move out?" Raven says.

"I'm just gonna move out...I have just as much money as Harry does, I could buy a house right now." I say trying to get up myself.

Mae stands up and pulls me up. "You're just gonna bail out?" she says.

"I'm gonna take my babies and leave, yes." I say. "My mom had cancer and still raised me alone most of the time."

"Is Harry at least gonna be able to see them?" Mae asks.

"Of course." I say going into the kitchen. "Or else he might try and get full custody."

"Well guess that works... O, we have to head out. Are you gonna be okay?" Raven asks.

"Oh yeah, just gonna make my cookies and watch cartoons with my babies." I say rubbing my stomach.

"Okay... Bye girl." Mae says kissing my on the cheek.

"Later sweetie." Raven says hugging me and doing the same.

I wave them off and start my cookies.

I am completely fine.


"O, you in here? You haven't answered your phone since yester... Whoa." Zayn says looking around at the room.

"Oh hi, Z." I say bringing out a platter of cupcakes and placing it on the long table of snacks and drinks.

"You bought all of this and set it up by a day." he says looking at the highly decorated room and plethora of snacks.

"What no...I made all this." I say.

"Is that a new costume? I thought you were gonna be the cat in the hat." he says pointing to my red dress.

"Well now I'm Velma from Scooby Doo. And you're my Scooby? Please." I ask.

"How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Oh, I went to bed at like nine got back up at like six. Whats that like nine hours?" I ask.

"And you still did all of this...alone?" He asks.

"Look Z, half was already ready yesterday. I just finished the cobwebs, the tables, and the snacks." I say as if its no big deal. I feel a sudden sharp pain. "Ooh ouch okay babies calm down."

"That's more than half. What's going on?" he asks.

"I just..didn't need any help, okay? I'm not some fragile little thing, I'm a strong independent black woman and I don't need a man to take care of me and my babies, so Harry can suck my left nut!" I yell throwing the nearest thing on the ground.

Aw, I liked that vase.

"What the hell did Harry do?" he asks.

"I'm gonna go but my Cat in the Hat costume on and wait for everyone else to get here, okay?" I say avoiding the question.


"If people start coming let them in, okay? You're costume is in the closet, it's the Deadpool one." I say dragging myself up the stairs.

After showering I throwing on my costume over an hour and a half had past and I could hear the music pumping loudly down stairs. I take in a deep breath and exhale.

I put my hat into my head and walk downstairs seeing the room full of people in costumes having a good time.

"Opal! Hey." Mae says running up to hug me.

"Hey, lady." I say patting her back. "Umm what are you?" I ask looking at her leopard print leotard.

"Oh, we're Josie and the Pussycats." she says point over to Raven by the snack table.

"But there's only two of you..."

"No there's three." a voice says from behind me making me turn around.

"Oh, Louis, no." I say covering my mouth to prevent a laugh.

Here in front of me stood Louis in a leopard print unitard and little black shorts.

"That is fucking hilarious. Mae, Raven, hop in." I say taking out my phone to take a photo.

"Pose and say, Archie!" I yell feeling that same sharp pain that I did earlier. Okay what are you guys having a party in there?

"Archie!" they yell in unison as I snap the photo.

"You guys are so cute." I say laughing.

"Op, hey. Liam says coming up to hug me. "Whoa, are pregnant." he says looking me over.

"Ooh, Wolverine." I say looking at his costume.

"Yeah, I gotta admit I was being lazy. All I had to buy was the claws." he says tapping them together. I'm gonna need a picture of you with Zayn." I say looking over his shoulder.

"Niall are you Doctor Strange?" I ask looking over.

"Yeah, loved that movie." he says shoving cupcake into his mouth making me chuckle.

I greet the rest of party walking around saying hello.

"Are that your dog?" Jillian from my prenatal yoga class asks.

"Yes. That's Grizzly." I say pointing to him in his little bear costume.

"He's so cute! Oh my look who's here!" she said point over toward the door.

I turn around to see Harry standing at the front door with a large duffel bag in his hand. He looks over to me and smiles. I cross my arms over my chest and approach him.

"I think we need to talk."

Imma just leave that there.


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