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Time jump because time is irrelevant in fanficton anyway


"The hell you mean 'pregnant'?!" I asked sitting up quickly with panic filling my body.

"I mean, Miss Quinn, you're at least 15 weeks pregnant."

"No, I deny the premise of you thinking that I have anything that even looks like a human fetus growing in my uterus." I reply, rapidly shaking my head in disbelief.

"Well, believe whatever you want but there a baby in there." the doctor says poking my stomach. "And that's why you've been feeling the way you feel lately. And why your period is almost 4 months late-"

"I only have one ever 3 months, it's a family thing okay?" i say letting the information i just received truly process.

"Holy shit." I mumble. "Shit... I gotta go!" I yell grabbing my things and running out of the room. I slow down a bit making sure not to harm the...apparent baby and decide on just speed walking my way back to my car.

I slide into the drivers seat and sit there for a moment.

I'm fucking pregnant.

I'm pregnant with a baby...Harry's baby...

"Okay, okay this is fine..." I say taking a deep breath.

Until I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed curses and swears for at least 5 more minutes before starting my car up and making my way back home.

Pregnant. Geez, what am I gonna tell Harry? I think pulling into my driveway. I sit there for another moment before getting out of the vehicle and unlocking my front door. I walk inside and flick on the light.

"Surprise!" a gaggle of loud voice scream making me scream and pull my gun from my purse making the intruders scream again.

"Guys what the fuck!"i groan putting the weapon back where it belonged.

"Um... Happy Birthday?" a new voice announces coming into view.

"Mae?" I ask looking at the small girl holding a cake. I walk up to give her a one armed hug.

"Good to see you too. We have some catching up to do." she said winking at me.

Oh honey you have no idea.

It was hours into my party and everyone was having fun, laughing, and getting drunk.

Aside from me of course.

Turns out Harry had been planning an amazing birthday vacation to some tropical island then canceled do to some weird thing coming up last minute. So he invited all my friends over and threw me this great party.

That I can't enjoy because fetus is dancing around in my womb.

I stare at the candles floating in the pool and sigh, sipping my water once again and look down at my phone.


They should be coming soon with-

"Okay what's the 911 emergency? Someone dying? Did Harry cheat?" Mae stops to gasp. "Did you?"

I giggle and point to one of the poolside chairs telling her to sit.

"Okay yes I was hoping there was at least one pineapple pizza- I swear people are so judgmental." Raven says running toward me. She looks between Mae and I. "Okay there better be an actual pizza."

I pull a box from underneath my chair and push it toward her.

"All yours." I say smiling.

"Okay so what's the sitch." Mae asks taking a slice of the pizza for herself.

"Ooh I knew this was about more than pizza." Rae says biting into her slice.

"Okay...I'm pregnant." I say looking between the both of then.

They both gawk at me with shocked expressions.

"By who?"

"With what?"

"Okay rude, the both of you." I say rolling my eyes. "But yea pregnant. 15 weeks round it about. Maybe more." I say rubbing my belly.

"Well..okay. What did Harry say?" Mae asks.

"I haven't told him yet. I haven't decided what I'm gonna do yet."

"Whoa, whoa wait. Are you planning on getting an abortion behind Harry's back are you?" Rae asks with alarm lacing her voice.

"What? No I would never do that. I guess I'm gonna have to tell him then we'll see what happens." i say taking another sip of water.

"I hope it goes well." Mae says. "Ima go find Louis and see what he's up to. I miss my bitch." she says hopping up and running back in side.

"And I'll go find Harry and send him outside." Rae says giving me a small smile.

After a few minutes of contemplation and a small freak out hear the glass door open. I spin around to Harry yelling.

"I'm Pregnant!"

Only it wasn't just Harry.

"Oh Zayn, hi... So you've heard the good news." I say with a nervous chuckle. I look oker to Harry who only stands there staring at me in shock.

"You're really pregnant?" Zayn asks.

I nod.

"And it's Harry's?"

"Zayn what the hell! Of course." I mumble crossing my arms. "You're gonna be an uncle..yay."

"O...thats amazing. Hold on." he says taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Pregnant? Really?" Harry mouths to me smiling. I smile and nod rubbing my stomach.

"I'm gonna be an uncle..." Zayn says flicking his cigarette amd tackling Harry into the pool making me gasp.

He begins dunking Harry's head under the water while yeling.

"You got" dunk.

"Her" dunk.

"Pregnant!" dunk.

"Well don't kill him Zayn. The baby needs a Daddy."


It was the following morning. Zayn had driven me to the hospital for an ultrasound to see of the baby was healthy. Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, Mae, and Rae followed behind in his car.

Calm down guys its just a baby.

We all sat in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called.

"If its a boy we should name him Steven, oh or Avery." Harry says attempting to touch my stomach only for Zayn to slap his hand down. I give him a look only for him to shrug in reply.

"Quinn?" a nurse calls out making all eight of us stand.

"Yup that's us." I say grinning widely.


"The fuck you mean two babies?!" I say looking at the monitor. Harry faints and Zayn kicks him a little.

"You have two babies in there see. There's a little Jack and there's the Jill." the doctor says pointing to the screen.

"It's a boy and a girl?" I ask.

"Yes...or maybe that's her thumb." the doctor says pushing my stomach.

"Ah okay yup its a boy." he says surely.

"Two babies... I'm gonna be so fat." I groan.

"Can one be named after me?" Louis asks laughing.


This is a short chapter and yes...yes I did just do that lol


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