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I've never really been quite the luckiest of people. I've always had to work harder than the other kids in my classes or my other co-workers. I had to help my mom out a lot being a single parent and all. But this.. this just fell right into my lap.

I stared up at the intimidating man and the two women. One raven haired the other blonde.

"I'm Olivia Opal Quinn, Ravi sent me." I say. "I'm the one they picked for Harry Styles." I say in a bit of a bashful manner. These tall model-esk people practically towering over me glancing me up and down were giving me the worst of anxiety. But now is not the time to be intimidated.

"You?!" The man shouts. I nod slowly. "Hm," he sounds, "Very well then. I suppose I can work with this. Come in, sit in my chair. It's the white one."

I scoot over to the leather white styling chair in front of the vanity mirror and sit down staring at my reflection.

"How much do you weigh?" He asked.

"177 pounds." I say.

"You're bit heavier set.. you will exercise 6 times a week until you are at the appropriate weight. You will lose 40 pounds at least. Until then spanks will be worn at all times." He told me. I nodded yet I couldn't shake off that word.


"What about her hair?" The blond woman asked standing beside him gesturing towards my head.

"Ah yes I was just getting to that.. Your hair... it's far too frizzy and messy and I it has almost no volume. You will be needing new tracks, or weaves whatever you would call it. Because this seems quite overdue." He says.

"It's a my natural hair, its frizzed up in the rain..." I whispered and I call them extensions.

"You have much too much acne. You will wash with our approved acne wash twice a day from now on. You shall not go a day without contouring your face and doing your hair and make up." He orders.

"I don't know how to-"

"We'll teach you. You will never dress in sweatpants leggings or hoodies unless they are approved by your styling team aka us." He said.

"Ugly girls don't date Mr Styles. You're something new... a woman of color, how diverse of them."

"I'm not ugly." I mumbled in utter offense.

"What was that? Sweetie you speak so silently, you're like a mouse speak up! Oh, you'll have to work on that. Girls! Lets go prepare. Come this way Quinn was it?" The man said walking off in a quick speed.

I got up to follow when the blonde stopped me to tell me something.

"For the record I heard what you said and you're not're just not pretty."

That one stung the most. They were both being so mean to me..why because I was black? Because I wore glasses? What was it? The only one who hadn't been rude were the dark haired girl with the raven hair. And she still laughed along with them. How can they be so cruel.

This job is gonna suck if I have to work with them.


The man, who's name was Marceo, asked me how he was to take down my hair. Once learning that my hair wasn't extensions he washed my hair and curled it. I hadn't really known how long my hair actually was. My shrinkage was crazy. Soon after finishing I complemented this work genuinely pleased and he mumbled to himself. "See. better than nigger hair right?"

Which I choose to ignore.

Next the blonde, who's name was Andrea, put me in these crazy spanks that I could barely breath in and a white peplum dress with black boots. She was surprised to see that a 'frumpy little thing' like me could actually walk in heels. She then gave me a white Chanel purse.

Finally I was in make up with the raven haired girl whose name I haven't yet learned. I sat back in the seat as she prepped my face for make up.

"Hey." She said. I looked up at her. "I know I laughed along with the Satan twins over there but I didn't mean any harm by it." She said putting weird liquids on my face with a sponge. "They treated me just like that, 'little mixed girl thinks she can be as good as us? Ha!', They didn't respect me for months not until I did Kendall Jenner's makeup in record time. I had to prove something to them before they could even respect me, not like but respect. And you don't have to take their bullshit, you're gonna be on all the red carpets not them." She said.

"And Marceo and Andrea were just being mean,you are very beautiful. And I love eyes, I'm jealous." She giggled. I laughed with her. "Green eyes run in my family. They're always really dark though."

"I wish I had colored eyes." She mumbled 'blending' my face. "The kids in my freshman class all told me I was trying to be a white girl. And that I was wearing contacts and dressing like a emo girl. I just look good in black." I snickered.

"Well I saw your top when you came in here and I can't argue that." She said mumbling close your eyes.

"Whats your name by the way?" I asked "Oh I'm Mae-Lyn." She said. "Asian-Brazilian. It shows more Asian tho doesn't it?" She said. I giggled. "Kinda does."

"Ooh gold glitter would loom great on you. But I already used the shimmering champagne." She said.

"Okay, you're done." She said turning my chair towards the vanity. I gasped when I saw myself.

"I look.."

"Gorgeous." She said

"Acceptable!" Marceo yelled. "My perfect little chocolate experiment." He said like a proud mother. I only cringe and give him a fake thumbs up.

I would kick you down a flight of stairs.

"Alright your ride should be ready for you in five." He said walking away. "You look good little frump." Andrea said following in his pursuit. "Here take my number." Mae-Lyn said. "LA is a shady place to find friends and you and I could both use one." She said. I thanked her and hugged her walking outside to wait for my ride.

A black Escalade pulled up and the driver pulled oped the door for me. I mumbled a 'Thank you.'.

I climbed into the car and buckled me seat belt being startled by a voice.

"Um, hi."

I gasped and looked up to see the one and only Liam Payne.

"I'm sorry to fangirl on you but, I love you." I said. He chuckled. "Well I love you." He said. "I'm your new best friend. Nice to meet you." He said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." I said.

"And across from you is your new boyfriend." He said. "Harry."

He looked up at Liam then to me meeting my eyes and froze to stare at me. He must be shocked to see a black girl here.

"Hello." I said

"I'm Harry."



so they meet

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