☠Even I have a soft side☠ (A Grimmjow lemon for Shadowhunterbritt08)

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Story Start;

Like any other day, I sat there by myself and drew. But today I was having trouble drawing. I didn’t know why either since my drawings always came to me easily.

I sighed loudly and continued to stare at the blank piece of paper before me, tapping my pencil against my leg; thinking of something to draw. But nothing came to me.

I didn’t even realize that I was being watched because I was so deep in thought about what to draw next.

“Damnit” I said out loud, to myself. I was getting a little frustrated that I couldn’t think of anything.

“Having trouble, Maemi?” A very familiar voice said. I knew that it was Grimmjow instantly. His voice always sent shivers down my spine. I turned my head to the side and glanced at Grimmjow.

“Yeah” I said.

It has been 2 years since I joined Azien and his army. When I first became Grimmjow’s fraccion, we didn’t get along. I was scared of him due to the face that he reminded me of my father because of his violent ways. But as the months went by I started seeing Grimmjow differently. I was no longer afraid of him, even though I would never make him mad because his temper still scared me. But I started to develop feelings for him. And Grimmjow doesn’t show his violent side around me that much anymore since he learned about my past. I guess you can now say that the 6th Espada has a soft side, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Again I was so deep in thought that I forgot that Grimmjow was here. I noticed that he was giving me a questionable look. “Sorry, I was thinking” I told him. Grimmjow narrowed his eyes at me.

“You’re not the type that really gets lost in your thoughts” Grimmjow said. I shrugged. Grimmjow continued to stare at me questionably.

“So is there something that you wanted, Grimmjow?” I asked him, giving him a smile, even though it was a fake one. Grimmjow walked over to me and sat down beside me.

“Just wanted to see how you were doing since you haven’t been getting much sleep lately” Grimmjow answered. I looked over at Grimmjow suspiciously. He was acting a little out of character lately and I haven’t figured out why yet. Though he doesn’t show his violent side around me that much anymore, he is still a sarcastic jerk most of the time.

“I’m fine” I said. Grimmjow gave me a look that said that he didn’t buy it, but I continued to give him a smile. Grimmjow sighed, stood up, and put his hands in his pockets.

“I’ve got a meeting to go too. I’ll see you tonight” Grimmjow said as he began to walk off.

“Tonight” I said questionably. Grimmjow stopped walking, looked over his shoulder, and smirked at me.

“I’ve decided that you are going to stay with me until you can get some sleep. After all I can’t have my fraccion’s slacking, can I?” Grimmjow said. My face turned bright red.

“Hold on a second. I’ll b-” but before I could finish my protest Grimmjow disappeared.

I continued to stare at the spot that Grimmjow stood in before he disappeared, in disbelief. I’m staying with Grimmjow tonight, which means I’m sharing the same bed as him. Oh great. I’m not entirely sure if I’m comfortable with this.

My nervous were running high. I was pacing back and forth in my bedroom.

I still couldn’t believe that I was staying with Grimmjow tonight. So many thoughts were running through my head. I groaned loudly and flopped onto my bed. “Why does he insist that I stay with him tonight?” I asked to no one in particular. I continued to think about what I was going to do when a loud knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts.

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