Naruto Uzumaki one-shot

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Characters name: Bree Morino

Characters age:17

Charachters Looks: Blonde Hair, usually in a high ponytail, brown eyes

Characters love interest:Naruto Uzamaki

Characters information She is Ibiki Morino's daughter she grew up in the leaf village and is in the Ambu Black Ops Medical Corps. Her dream is to become Captain and then teach Genin. She has been friends with Naruto since they were little and wants to help him achieve his dream to become Hokage.

Characters personality: Sweet shy caring loyal strong stubborn quick witted and very smart.

Brees P.O.V

I was sitting here at Ichiraku ramen shop waiting for Naruto, he said that he would buy me lunch today. Which probably wont happen since I'm the one always paying, I mean I don't mind, but it still kinda irritated me. "I'm sorry I'm late" naruto said trying to catch his breathe as he sat down next to me.

"Its okay naruto" I told him.

"Okay" Naruto said. "Hey old man I want my usual" Naruto told the Teuchi, the old man that runs the shop.

"Coming right up. And what will you have young lady" He asked me.

"I'll have what naruto's having"

"All right coming right up" he said as he turned around to make our food.

"So after we eat do you want to come and train with me" Naruto asked.

"Sure I don't see the harm in it, but what happened last time wont happen again. This time I will win" I said while smiling at him.

"Your on" Naruto said smiling back. 'God he's so adorable when he smiles like that' I though. "Are you okay" Naruto asked while putting his hand against my forehead. "You feel pretty warm".

"Umm... I'm fine Naruto" I told him, I looked away knowing that I was seriously red.

"Are you sure" naruto said leaning his face near mine. "You look red"

"I said I'm fine" I told him trying to make sure he doesn't see me blushing.

"Okay whatever you say Bree" He said laughing. 'that was close' I thought.

"Orders up." Teuchi said as he placed our food in front of us.

"About time old man" Naruto said as he started eating. I did the same thing Naruto did and started eating my food.

"You guys are really cute together" Teuchi said giving us a big grin. I started choking on my food.

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