Jean Havoc (ashwee141)

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He knew that he would get in trouble the second that she caught him. But honestly, he couldn’t help it. He just wanted to see that beautiful smile on her face again, the real one not the fake one that she normally wore. He just wanted to hear her angelic voice again, not the voice that was filled with sorrow.

Jean understood though, after all she still hasn’t gotten over her brother’s death. Maes Hughes was everyone’s friend and was dearly loved. So he understood why she was so broken. But he couldn’t stand it anymore. He just wanted to see her smile, no matter what he had to do. After all, he was in love with her and has been for a while. He just never knew how to tell her.

He would soon though, that he knew for sure.

Jean was so lost in his thoughts about how he was planning on telling Chesney how he truly felt about her when a scream echoed around the room, scaring the life out of him. His eyes flew open. His lips curved upward, a smirk now playing across his face. He was trying so hard not to laugh. His hand clasped his face, muting the sound of the laughter that he couldn’t control anymore.

Speaking of the angel that was on his mind, Chesney was now covered up in eggs, flour, and feathers; Jean’s latest prank against her. Chesney’s continued to squeal at the mess that now covered her from head to foot. She was getting really tired of these pranks that were being played against her.

At first she thought it was Mustang being his normally childish self. But the day that she went barging into his office and demanding him to stop changed her mind on the pranks being from him. He looked honestly surprised. She still didn’t know who it was though. And it was starting to bug her. Chesney closed her eyes, inhaled a deep breath and exhaled; calming herself down. Normally she was a very calm and kind hearted person, but her patience was thinning quickly with the daily pranks.

“I’m going to kill someone” Chesney mumbled to herself, thinking that no one overheard her. Jean sweat dropped once he heard those words come from the normally calm girl. Maybe he was taking his pranks a little overboard? After all the pranks started out small and were spaced out. Now he was pranking her every day. He couldn’t help it. He loved seeing her smile. Even though Chesney played mad, he was always there to see the small smile that ran across her face at the end of it.

“Got yourself in another mess I see” Jean stated to the small girl as he walked around the corner. Chesney’s eyes slightly narrowed at the blonde in front of her. Her heart started to pick up and her palms started to sweat. It was always like this when she was around him. Jean’s eyebrow twitched. He started to scratch his cheek nervously. His lips parted slightly, a nervous chuckle escaping them.

“It’s you that’s doing these pranks, isn’t it Jean Havoc?” Chesney questioned the blonde seriously. Jean let out another nervous chuckle. His arms raised, he slowly waved his hands in front of him in a defensive manner.

“Now why would I do that to such a beautiful girl?” Jean questioned her, blowing off her question in the process. Chesney’s cheeks started to heat up. She was thankful for the flower covering her face; otherwise her blushing would have been noticeable.

“You think I’m beauti-“ Chesney paused, cutting off her own sentence. She shook her head slightly back and forth. She didn’t want Jean to know just yet that she liked him, possibly loved him. “It is you!” She accused the blue eyed blonde, pointing her index finger at him. Jean started to slowly back up away from Chesney. He knew that he was in for a lecture.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Chesney. I would never do that to you” Jean stated, a low and nervous chuckle escaping his lips. Chesney’s eyebrow raised in a questionable manner at him.

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