I'm Not Leaving Till We Make It There

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Austin's P.O.V 

One whole month I've been here and now I was going back home and I don't know how to feel. I was going to miss all my friends here and me and Oliver had gotten somewhat close after all that happened I'm surprised I forgave him. I guess that's how life works I really did want to go back home to make sure Alan was okay. I really hope he's been taking care of our daugher. I missed the way she gently kicked Alan's stomach and the way it felt against my giant hand. 

I was sitting at my last lunch here with Oliver, Awsten, and Jenna out off all of them I was going to miss Jenna the most. She always gave me good advice and saw the good things in people and she was the first one that talked to me when I got here. Awsten was special his boyfriend Geoff would always come visit him and I loved when he would come back and talk about him like he was some type of god. Oliver has really changed and he was supposed to be in here for about another two months which for some reason disappointed me I think I was going to miss him too. 

"Guys I'm going to miss you three" I said looking up from my lunch.

"We're going to miss you too" Awsten said. "But as soon as we get out of here we will meet up and you have to introduce me to Alan because he sounds great" Awsten continued to say. I was going to miss him more than I expected but I guess he was right as soon as he was out of here he would come visit me. 

I looked over at Jenna and she didn't look okay at all I scooted over to her and she was crying. "Hey what's wrong " I asked her. "Nothing it's just that I'm going to miss you and Awsten will be leaving pretty soon and I'll be left alone" She said wiping a couple tears. 

"Oliver will still be here and you guys leave the same day" I said trying to not make her feel so bad. "I know but I'm not close to him and I don't know I think I might like him a little" she said hiding her little blush. "Jenna if there's one thing that I've learned from you is that you always get what you want so you need to tell him" I said. "I know Austin but I'm scared" she said hiding her face more. 

"Jenna it'll be okay he's a chill guy" I said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks" she softly whispered and hugged me back.   

"Austin Carlile to the office" A lady of the speakers said startling me and interrupting my attention on Jenna. 

I waved a small goodbye to my friends and know that it was time to finally go back home and confront everyone. I walked to the office and there I saw Mr and Mrs. Carlile sanding happily looking at me. I smiled at them and searched around for Alan but there was no sign of him anywhere and I felt disappointed. Once I walked in Alan's mom and dad ran to me and hugged me and said how much they missed me and sent me to pack my things not that there was much to pack just my underwear and socks. I mainly went back to say goodbye to my good old friend and as I walked in the cafeteria and there they were standing looking towards as if they knew I was about to walk in. 

They all ran towards me and tackled me to the floor and honestly it felt like they were kind of exaggerating at this point. 

"Guys we'll see each other again now stop overreacting and get off you're squishing me" I said and they all got up. "Sorry but we're just going to miss you too much but we'll see each other soon" Awsten said speaking for everyone. I smiled and said my final goodbye before I saw them again for a while and with that I left  back to the office. I walked out with Alan's parents out to the car but I decided I wanted to walk back home alone. They hesitated at first but after about a minute or so of begging they let me go. 

I started my way down the streets that I had grown up in I would always walk past these streets and look at the place I had just gotten out of and told myself I would never let myself get so bad that I would end up there but that's exactly how I ended up.  I quickly let that thought float away from my mind and then another bad thought came up. What if Alan had took the time and got over me I know crazy thoughts just pop in my head like that. What if Alan got worse and wasn't taking care of my baby girl I needed to get home but I was scared of what was going to happen when I stepped a foot in the door.

I just kept walking around a little while longer and finally decided to go home every step I took felt like it was getting slower and slower. I got on to a familiar street it was where my old house was where I lived with my dad and also where I currently lived with Alan and his parents. I walked past my old house and there was already someone moving in and I just walked away tearing my eyes off the family and the house. 

I finally got to the place I called home and walked in walking straight to my room and there he was laying down on the bed I guess he was sleeping. 


Thanks for everyone that votes and reads my story     

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