I Love You So Much It Makes Me Sick

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Alan's P.O.V
It was ten minutes into first period and Austin still wasn't here yet I'm worried. There was a knock at the door and I ran to open it a sad puffy eyed Austin walked in

"A-Austin what's wrong are you okay " I said as we walked to our seats

"Yeah I'm fine for worry about it Alan" we sat in our seats and I watched him put him head down and I heard sniffles coming from him.

"You have a free period today" Mr.Way said. I started poking Austin's sides and making him remember fun times we've had so he would talk to me

"Austin remember the time we laughed so hard milk came out our noses"

"Alan stop it"

"Tell me what's wrong first"

"He broke up with me Alan"

"Oh no Austie don't cry he wasn't worth it anyways"

"I know but I don't wanna be alone"

"You're not alone you'll always have me"

"I know and I appreciate it but now I don't have anyone to tell me they love me and to make me feel better about myself and to hold me and kiss me and make me Feel good if you know what I'm saying"

"I understand Austie but you do realize I do all those things except make you feel good in that way and kiss you well I do kiss you on the cheek sometimes"

"Alan I love you so much it makes me want to puke"

"Am I really that bad looking that you puke because you love me wow Austin I thought you were different"

"N-no Alan tha-"

"I know I'm just joking around you giant"

*Ring ring*

"Well come on you giant we have art class to get to" I said to Austin as I watched him slowly get up and walk.

"Austin you shouldn't be like this over him I love you man and I don't wanna see you be this way"

"I know Alan but I'm afraid to be alone" there was a little pause between us before he said "hey I'll catch up I just need to go to the bathroom"

When you see this • it means trigger warning

"Okay Austin just don't take to long"

Austin's P.O.V
I'm sorry Alan but I have to do this I thought to myself as I walked to the bathroom as I stepped into the bathroom the first thing I saw was Vic and Kellin making out and as I full made my way in there was Jack and Alex making out like their life depended on it. I chose to ignore it and walk into a stall and taking my bag off I searched around my bag for a minute until i found what I was looking for.

• I grabbed my lighter and blade and rolled up my sleeves first came the burns on my arms then up more were the cuts the burns are down lower because they're easier to explain to Alan and the cuts I can hide them better if their up more I lifted up my shirt and did the first cut for being such an idiot the second for not being good enough the third for being so scared the fourth because I was slowly falling in love with Alan each day more and more. •

I grabbed toilet paper cleaned myself up and got out the bathroom my arms and stomach hurt like hell but it's what I deserved. I got to art and the class had already started so I took my seat and asked Alan what we were supposed to be doing. He told me and I got to painting what made me happy I drew someone with ginger hair because everyone would think it was Matty but I knew it was Alan that made me happy I also drew a microphone song lyrics Nala my cat and other little things. I looked over at Alan's drawing and I saw a guitar lots of cats and tall noodle like guy with brownish blackish hair wait was that supposed to be me.

"Hey Alan honey is that noodle with black hair me"

"What noodle sweetie"

"That one" I said pointing to it

"Austin stop being a dummy it's not a noodle of course it's you"

"Is that ginger supposed to be me or Matty"? He asked

"I don't know you tell me that Mr. Ashby do you think you make me happy"

"I'm going to say it's Matty because you've never cried over me like you did over him today" he said with his mood kind of changing and he gave me his pouty face

"Stop being a big well um small baby you know you're my ginger princess of course that's you and I've cried over you for example that one time you were in the hospital and I thought you died but you were just sleeping and I had to go home without knowing you were alive and I cried all night till I went to visit you at the hospital again"

"Oh yeah my mom told me about that wait Austin I have an idea"

"What's your big idea"

"What if we throw a party Friday at my house to show Matty you don't need him my parents won't be there cause they're leaving for a trip again".

"Alan you're a genius"

"So is that a yes"

"It's a hell yeah"

I hope that's good pleas comment and remember if you need anything I'm here

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