Young & Naive I Was Staring At The Barrel Of A Gun

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Alan's P.O.V
Finally we were heading home I felt bad about leaving Austin home alone with Oli. I really hoped he wasn't going to be mad at me for that.

Michael really enjoyed the carnival and so did I but I wished Austin would've been there. I told my parents to wait till he came out the shower but they said that they couldn't wait.

My dad parked the car and killed the engine of the car. I quickly got out untied Michael and walked into our house.

"AUSTIN WE'RE HOME" my dad yelled from behind me.

There was no answer but a light faint grunt coming from the kitchen. I walked towards the noise and was shocked at what I saw before my eyes.

"Oh no Austin what did you do" I said hoping he would answer.

"I'm sorry Alan" he said and passed out.

"DAD HELP" I yelled with tears running down my face.

"What's wron- Oh dear" my dad said and ran towards Austin.

"Call an ambulance" my dad yelled putting pressure on Austin's cuts to try and stop the bleeding.

I say behind Austin trying to hold him up right in a sitting position.

"Come on Austin you can't leave me and our baby girl alone" I cried out hoping he could hear me.

The paramedics arrived shortly and carried Austin out as I followed climbing into the ambulance with him. We arrived at the hospital and they took Austin away from me I really hoped he was going to be okay.

I quickly called everyone in me and Austin's friend group Phil, Tino, and Aaron said they would hurry over. I doubted on calling Oliver since him and Austin aren't really close but I still called anyways. Everyone came rushing in asking how he was but Oliver walked in slowly with a weird type of look on his face. It was now 11:30 pm and still no news everyone looked tired phil was sitting in Tinos lap Aaron had his head against the wall and Oliver was standing against a wall waiting for some news . I walked over to him to check up on him and to tell him it was okay if he left if he didn't want to be there.

"Austin Carlile" the doctor said and looked around the room. Me, Tino, Phil, Aaron and Oliver basically ran to him asked for what had happened.

"Mr.Carlile is stable now but he did lose a lot of blood so he's weak right now. We will keep him for two days for evaluation and according to our records this is Mr.Carlile's second suicide attempt so he will need to be put in a mental hospital for at least a month just for observation and there we can get him the help he needs."

As I heard those words come out the doctor's mouth I wanted to cry. Not my Austin I'll die without him for a month and mostly knowing where he will be. 

"Can we see him" Phil asked.

"Yes come with me but make it short visiting hours are way over so please make it quick" He said leaving us at Austin's door. 

We entered the room and he just laid there sleeping in bed he looked peaceful but also somehow disturbed. I watched as everyone went and sat next to his bed as whispered that everything would be okay. When it came to Oliver's turn he sat motionless for a minute but then broke down into tears. 

"I'm sorry mate this is all my fault I should have never done what I did please forgive me" he said and continued rambling. 

I assumed that he was talking about the baby unless there was something else that happened but I don't think so. I put my hands on my stomach and thought about the little human growing inside of me. 

"Guys I'm sorry but you have to leave you can't be here anymore" the doctor said rushing everyone out.

"May I stay here?" I asked.

"Sure" He said leaving after everyone. 

I walked over to the side of Austin's bed and sat down grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze. Why did you do this I wondered to myself I kept thinking of the good times me and Austin have shared. I love you I whispered to him before walking over to the couch    

I had slept peacefully now it was time to get up and talk to Austin about what happened. I looked over at him and saw him staring at me and I gave him a soft comforting smile. I got up and grabbed his hand and sitting next to him.

"Can we talk" Austin asked looking at me. 

"Yeah" I whispered kind of scared of what he had to say.

"Well let  me tell you that if you want to hate me after what I have to say that is completely okay and I understand".

"Okay" I said and let him continue. 

"Well um first I did this because I felt guilty and I realized you'd hate me and I can't live with you hating me because I love you I really do Alan and I don't know what I would do without you" 

"Austin what did you do" I asked scared of the answer I was going to get.

"I'm sorry Alan but I-I cheated on you" He said in a shaky voice looking away from me. 

"With who" I asked. 

"Oliver" He said and i could see a tear run down his cheek.

"What the actual fuck Austin I thought you hated him but you just faked it so you could go fuck him behind my back and now it all makes sense yesterday when he came he kept blaming himself I should've known" I said madly. 

"Look Alan I'm sorry I love you please don't leave me" he said pleading me. 

"I need time right now I'm sorry" I said walking out the room.

I love you too Austin  I thought to myself with tears running down my face as I walked out on a crying Austin and headed home.


Hope you enjoyed  sorry I didn't post yesterday 

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