Set Me Free

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Austin's P.O.V
After Alan left I stayed and changed and I was about to leave when I heard an

 "Oh Austin" come from behind me. I turned around and saw Matty 

"what do you want Matty" I said in an annoyed voice. 

"I have a deal you won't be able to deny"

"What is it I need to get home"

 "Remember when I said I was going to destroy you and whoever you were with well I've now found out who your little slut is it's non other then your little friend Alan"

 "You don't have proof of that and I'm also going to ask you to not call him a slut"

"Actually that's where you're wrong Austin I actually do have proof and I plan on showing it to the whole world and letting everyone know how much of a cheating whore he is and I also know his little secret of when he got raped so unless you make the right choice and come back with me" he said with a little smirk 

"I don't believe a word you're saying unless you show me the proof" he pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of me and Alan kissing here in the locker room I guess Vic wasn't the only one that saw us kissing.

"Do you also want to see the video I have of when he spilled his secret"

 "How did you even get that we were inside his house how could you get inside"

"I only had to get inside once and that one time I did was when you left him to go get your cloth I got in and set up cameras now I have all this proof"

"Fuck you Matty I need thought you would come this low you're so full of shit" I can't let him hurt Alan he's already been through  lot and this will just destroy him I have to do this.

"So you take it or leave it Austin because you know damn well I can destroy both of you" 

"Fine just don't hurt Alan or I'll kill you" 

"Okay see it wasn't that hard was it now here what you have to do you tell everyone me and you are a thing again and you stop fucking that Alan and if I need someone to fuck you come and anything else I need you give it to understood" 

"Sure whatever bye now" I said as I started walking away

"Did I say you could go no I didn't now come back here you do whatever I tell you to do now I want you to fuck me here right now everyone's gone so we won't get caught". I hated this I really did I hated his body the way he yelled out my name his moans I hated everything about this moment I hit my climax and gladly so did he. He wasn't like Alan I didn't wanna do this with anyone other than Alan but I also didn't want Alan to get hurt he's my everything and I can't let anything happen to him. I quickly put my cloth on and went home when I got home I ignored my dad's calls for me I went straight to my room and cried all I could.

 I felt like I was betraying Alan we weren't together or anything but I felt guilty I got in the shower and cried more all this crying was making me remember when my mom died I cried for days when she cried. I hated being so weak and letting everything get to me I hope I made the right choice and I hope Matty keeps his word and doesn't hurt Alan. I went down stairs because my dad was calling me again and honesty I did have to explain things to him. 

"Austin why haven't you came home for the past three days and when you do come home you run up to your room and ignore me"

"I'm sorry dad I stayed at Alan's this whole time because his parents went out on their business trip again as won't be back till Monday and I didn't want to leave him all alone"
"If you didn't want to leave him all alone then why are you here you could've called I would've understood Austin you have to tell me these thing I was worried sick but it's okay"
"I'm sorry dad it won't happen  again"
"It's fine now I'm going to bed cause it's been a long day also I heard you guys won your soccer game good job champ" 

"Yeah me and Alan scored goodnight dad" I went back up to my bedroom and lied in bed thinking and listening to music. 

Austin you have to tell Alan about this you can't keep it to yourself that's what one part of my brain told me but the other told me that it'd be better if he didn't know anything about it and didn't get involved with anything. I knew I had to tell him but just not right now I'll just tell him that I got back with Matty and me and him wouldn't be able to keep fooling around  anymore. I was really going to miss Alan's touch his kisses the way he screamed out my name or the way his body perfectly fit into my arms when we cuddled. I didn't want to leave Alan but I had to but I mean he has Andy I guess he won't be so bad off without me I mean we'll still be best friends but just not be able to fuck like we did. Out of nowhere I started to have a panic attack I sat in bed crying rocking back and forth repeating the same three word over and over again "I'm sorry Alan" soon enough I feel asleep whispering to myself I'm sorry Alan.

Hope you enjoyed remember comment and stuff stay safe everyone :)

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