All I Want

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Austins P.O.V
*skip time*
It has has barely been 15 days in here and I wanted to go home I wanted Alan in my arms I missed Michael waking me up early on the weekends for no reason. The first day here was okay I met this really cool girl and she helped me learn the basics around here and I learned that this place wasn't how they described it in the movies. I wanted to see Alan's face again he hasn't come around here I wonder how he's holding up I really did miss him but I was here for my stupid mistakes and I was getting better.

At night I always end up thinking about Alan and my baby girl I missed feeling her kicks on my hands I wanted to be there I know that Alan was going in for his three month ultrasound pretty soon. I miss having Alan by my side at night so at night I usually cry softly trying not to get attention from anyone. I just wanted to go home but I am glad that I'm not in here for as long as others I felt bad for them.

I did make three friends in the time I've been here their names are Jenna, Tyler, and Awsten we've grown close. Tyler was in here for trying to commit suicide just like me but in a different way I never even know you could. Jenna is in here for her eating disorder, Awsten for his anxiety and depression. They're all great people but with just a could flaws and they've made mistakes which cause them to be here but I made the same mistakes too and we all make mistakes.

When I first got here Awsten sat at a table alone looking around at everyone his hair is a faded natural blue turns out he's in a band too. Tyler sat at a table with someone else that had yellow hair. I think his name was Josh or something like that I'm not sure. Jenna has been in here longer than all three of us because the first three months she was here she refuse to eat and they had to tube feed her.

As I can see everyone is getting better it seems that Josh and Tyler came in here at the same time and they would be leaving at the same time. I guess true love really does help you heal and get better. Josh and Tyler would be leaving in a week and i'm glad for them but I will miss them. Jenna still has to stay here for another month after I leave I don't want to leave her alone but I do want to go home.

It was now time for my weekly therapy session with Mr.Way. It turns out that he's related to my school teacher which I think is pretty cool. I walked down the hall to his office I knocked on the door and heard low whispers but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then the door opened and Mr.Iero came out with messy hair and swollen lips wait wait MR.IERO with Mr.Way now that I think of it it's cute. 

I just ignored what I just saw and continued on into Mr.Way's office and sat down at in one of the wheely chairs. 

"Hello Austin how are you this fine day" Mr.Way said trying to hide the fact that I just interrupted him and Mr.Iero.

I gave him a soft smile and told him I wouldn't tell anyone about what I just saw and reassured him that I wouldn't tell anyone over and over again. After he finally believed me we started my session he started by asking how I had been over the past week and then went on telling me that in a week was the last time I would be seeing him. I was going to miss him too he was really cool and he really did help not like everyone else I've seen. 

"Now tell me what's bothering you Austin?" he asked. 

"Well it's really nothing but I realized I'm going to miss the few friends I have made here and being truly honest I might miss you too" I said looking down at the floor.

"Austin you still have two weeks in here so make the best of it and don't worry about me you'll probably see me around your school" He said smiling a little and I smiled back. "Of course to see my brother there nothing else totally nothing else" He said and continued to smile. 

Before I noticed it our one hour session was over and I had to head back to my room. I saw Tyler and Josh at the front desk which I thought was weird I will just ask him at lunch.  Soon lunch came around and I headed to my table and sat down waiting for everyone else but I saw a new but familiar face. Was that Oliver sitting in the back by himself it couldn't be so I just ignored it and soon everyone was here with me. 

"Hey Tyler I saw you and Josh at the front desk what was that about" I asked. 

"That's what we wanted to talk about" Tyler said looking kind of sad but happy. "Me and Josh are leaving tomorrow"..

"That's awesome everyone said at the same time" and we all gave each other a group hug. 

"We're going to miss you guys" I said speaking for everyone. 

I then saw the person that was once sitting in the back get up and walk past me and I caught  a glimpse of their face and I couldn't believe it, it was the one and only Oliver Sykes. 


Hope you enjoyed have a good day also i have no clue how long this will be so bare with me   

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