Every Scar Will Build My Throne

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Alan's P.O.V

It was Monday morning  I woke up in Austin's arms "Austin babe wake up we need to head to school".

"No just give me five more minutes"

"Austin come on"

"Fine" he whined as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I got up and looked for my bag that had my cloth in it. I quickly got my cloth on while Austin was sat just staring at me.

"Austin come on get dressed and stop staring at me you creep"

"I'm not a creep if you're my boyfriend gosh" He said and got up and walked over to his closet and picked out almost the same thing I was wearing. We brushed our teeth and said good bye to Michael and Austin's dad before we headed down the street. 

"We get out of school early today? Right" 

"Yeah" he said as we arrived at school. We walked hand in hand down the hall and everyone just gave us smiles and they seemed happy for us except one damn person. 

"Oh so I see you two are together now you really downgraded Austin how sad" 

"Matty please you only wish you were as beautiful and smart as Alan"

"Austin come on let's go ignore him he's just jealous" I said and walked away pulling Austin along with me. I hate him so much why can't he just leave us alone and go find someone else to bother. The day went by fast and finally me and Austin were walking to his house. 

"Austin my parents are coming home today and I think we should just tell them already and get it over with" 

"Okay let me just go and tell my dad and after we tell them we can go back to my house"

"Yeah lets go then" We walked down to my house and my parents were sitting on the couch watching a movie  I was really nervous to be doing this but they would find out sooner or later. 

"Hey sweetie hi Austin"

"Hello Mrs and Mr. Ashby"

"Hi mom and dad um well me and Austin have something to tell you"

"What happened honey"

"Um well I don't really know how to  tell you this b-but I-I'm"

"Alan is pregnant and it's my baby and I'm sorry for this it was never planned to happen"

"Austin calm down it's okay I've always wanted to be a grandmother but I never thought it would be this early but it's okay don't worry about it" 

"Anything you need we're here for you I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather"

I never thought they would be this accepting and I was so scared. "Mom, dad we're going back to Austins house" 

"Okay be careful" They said as me and Austin walked out the door it was a short walk to his house and we knocked on the door but nobody answered. We heard Michaels crying inside and we started to get worried. Austin got the emergency key and opened the door I quickly picked Michael and asked him what was wrong.

 "Daddy is hurt"He said and Austin came in crying from the kitchen.

"Austin what's wrong"

"H-he's dead" he said only making him cry louder.

"No he can't be"

"He is I didn't get a pulse" 

"Call an ambulance" I said and Austin pulled out his phone and dialed 911" He explained the situation and an ambulance arrived shortly. This was horrible this shouldn't be happening to Austin he's to good for this. I called my parents and they rushed to the hospital but they weren't the only ones that arrived. A lady and a police officer came in and asked for Austin. 

My mom and dad went over and asked what they needed. 

"Well since the Carlile children are under age they'll have to live in a foster home"


"Alan be calm down yelling isn't going to get you anywhere" 

"Look Austin and Michael came stay with us" My dad said

"Fine since he has a child on the way I guess he can" the lady said and walked away.

"Thank god" my parents whispered to themselves. Austin came out of where doctors were informing him about how his dad died and around what time. He had one of the most defeated and tired faces I've ever seen him have. Austin was too good for this to be happening to him.

"Come on baby you and Michael are staying with me and parents cause you know all the under age stuff". 

"Yeah thanks came we just go now I don't want to be here much longer"

"Yeah let's go" I said grabbing his hand and walking out to the car with my parents holding Michael's hand behinds us. We got to my house and my parents showed Micheal his room and I guess they assumed Austin would stay with me which I guess isn't bad. 

"Austin come on we need to take a shower and you need to get some good sleep" He nodded his head and followed me to the bathroom. After our shower was over me and Austin put Michael to bed then we walked back to my room so we ourselves could sleep.

"Why did this have to happen to him Alan it wasn't his time yet he had just adopted Michael and was at one of his happiest moments of his life" 

"I don't know Austin but you know everything happens for a reason and maybe some where in the future that reason will show up"

"I know Alan but why right now though it's completely not fare"

"I know but let's get some sleep I love you Austin"

"I love you too Alan"


I didn't wanna do this but it sorta kinda had to be done    

Hope you enjoyed 

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