I'll Do My Crying In The Rain

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Alan's P.O.V

I headed home right after what Austin told me I can't believe he did this to me. After about a minute or so of walking it started to pour rain great just what I wanted  I thought to  myself. Well the only good side about the rain is that now nobody can tell that I'm crying and nobody will ask about it. I put in my earbuds and Kodaline started playing.

A while later I finally got home soaked in rain but it was all okay.

"Hey honey how's Austin" my mom asked as I walked through the door.

"He's okay" I said and continued to my room.

I threw myself on my bed and laid there then I remembered I was still in my wet cloth. I quickly changed then made my way to my bed.

"Momma where's daddy" Michael asked looking at me from the doorway.

"Daddy is getting better" I said and got up walking towards him.

"Can we go see him" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Tomorrow okay honey" I said and carried him downstairs.

"Please I wanna see daddy" Michael said.

"Michael I said no we'll go tomorrow come on let's go watch The Little Mermaid" I said and turned on the T.V and put on The Beauty and the Beast one of Austin's favorites.

I sat on the couch with Michael and thought about what Austin told me. I still can't believe it I never thought Austin was capable of that.  I know Austin loves me and I love Austin too but it was going to take some time for me to move on from this. I needed to talk to Austin about it and maybe it was good that Austin was going to be away for a while I could give myself time to heal and try to forget.


Today was the last day I could see Austin before he left I went to visit him and brought Michael along. We arrived at Austin's door so I knocked and waited for Austin to say we could go I slowly walked as Michael ran in and gave Austin a hug.

"DADDY" Michael yelled

"Hey little man" Austin said and gave Michael a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey" I whispered

"Hey" He said looking up at me from the bed.

" Michael here go play" I said and gave him my phone. I sat next to Austin and waited for him to say something.

"I'm sorry" Austin said and took my hand

"Alan I love you I didn't mean for that to happen but Oliver seduced me I didn't mean to hurt you and I was so stupid please forgive me" He begged.

"I know Austin but I just need time to process everything maybe this month apart will help me heal" I said.

"Alan I'm leaving today and this will be the last time I'll see you one last kiss please" he begged me.

I didn't want to but he was right it as the last time I would see him for a whole month.

"Fine" I said and leaned in closer to Austin I closed my eyes and let his soft lips touch mine. Austin grabs my face between his hands and pulled me closer his tongue entered my mouth and I let out a low moan.

Austin pulled away and gave me a slight smile.

"I love you" Austin said

"I love you too" I said and walked out with Michael trailing behind. I closed the door to Austin's room and leaned on it with tears in my eyes and whispered goodbye to myself.

"Mommy what wrong" Michael asked 

"Nothing honey let's go home" I said and carried him as we walked out the hospital. 

We arrived at home shortly and I went straight to my room letting Michael go with my parents god knows where. Tomorrow was Monday and I didn't want to go to school it was going to be hell. I let my mind wander off thinking about how living with out Austin was going to be I wasn't used to this type of loneliness. One time last year Austin went to visit family for a week and I fell apart in the first three days I wasn't used to him being away from me for so long it seemed like the next month was going to be hell. My little baby girl started kicking my stomach like crazy probably asking for food because being honest I hadn't eaten a proper meal yet. 

After I ate my little demon kept kicking I rubbed my stomach while walking up the stairs I got to my room and layed on my bed. 

"I knew baby I'm going to miss daddy too this is going to be hard without him" I spoke to my little girl. 

"You're not even out of my stomach yet and i already think you're the most beautiful human in this planet and I know that everyone's going to love you" I kept rubbing my stomach as some tears slipped out of my eyes. I already missed Austin I couldn't get the way his lips felt against mine out of my mind the thought was driving me crazy. I don't know how I was going to survive without him the way he whispered soft things in my ear whenever I needed it or when he wrapped his arms around me in a hug or the way his soft lips would linger on mine before he pulled away. Truth be told I was going to miss that boy for the next month I know it's not like he's going away forever but it does feel like forever. Now I realized that as much as Austin hurt me I can't hate him I can't live without him I love Austin Robert Carlile way too much to ever lose him. 


Hope you enjoyed YAYYY!!! I'm posting back to back

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