You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess...Chapter21

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Uh-oh, I’m so nervous. I don’t know what she’ll do to me. Will she wring my neck until I die? Will she tell me to stay away from Zac? My palms were wet on my lap. I looked at his mom. She’s pretty. She’s the only dark-haired woman I’ve ever seen in my life that owns blue eyes. Are they contacts? Or maybe they're real? She was wearing skinny jeans and a white jacket over a purple shirt. His mom had some fashion sense. Not that I always expect that in people I meet. I wonder what the age of his mom is. She looked pretty young.

"Hello Juliana, are you aware that Zac has dated many annoying sluts before you?" His mom said.

Is she trying to tell me that I’m also an annoying slut? I’m not a slut. It’s true that I’ve dated a few guys before. But none of them asked me to be their girlfriend. That makes Zac my first ever boyfriend. I didn’t realize that I didn’t respond to what his mom asked. Oh no, I don’t want her to think that I’m rude.

"Oh, don’t worry. You’re not one of the ‘annoying sluts’ I’m talking about. I just wanted to ask if you knew about Zac’s relationships before."

"Oh. Yes, ma’am, I know about his girls."

"How did the two of you become together? You used to hate each other when both of you were still kids, right?"

"We thought that we should stop fighting and be friends because we’re not kids anymore. Then he told me about what he feels for me," I answered truthfully.

"Do you like Zac?"

"Yes, ma’am, I like him so far."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes. As long as he’s still honest, I will always do."

Honestly, I think I’m in the church already, saying our vows and Zac’s mom was the priest. I mean, her last question was like asking me if I’ll be with Zac no matter what happens. Zac’s mom was so creepy.

"You know Hannah?" His mom asked.


"I just hope that you’re not like her, Juliana. But when I first saw you, I already thought that you’re not like Hannah at all. You’re so far from her. Hannah’s like a daughter of the devil. She already lived in our house. And what’s even worse is she’s asking Zac for something, and you know what I mean, but thankfully, Zac doesn’t want to. I confronted Hannah one day and she shouted at me and told me to get out of the house. And that’s when Zac broke up with her. But Zac was about to leave that day and she followed him. I think they went to your house that day." Her annoyance for Hannah was obvious whenever she speaks her name.

"I thought Hannah’s better than that," I said, shocked at what Hannah did to Zac’s mom.

"You know Juliana, I already like you. And you’re the nicest girl Zac ever had," she said, smiling hugely.

"Thanks. Zac’s girlfriends before, are they all the same?" I asked.

"Yes. You see, Zac wanted to prove something before, that’s why he likes sluts. He wanted to show everyone that he’s this grown-up who can do what any guy can do," she said.

"How do you know about that? You can really understand him."

"He’s my son. He tells everything to me. He explains everything to me," she said proudly.

"That’s nice. I never had a chance to tell my mom the things I wanted to say."


"My parents told my aunt to tell my brother and me that they’re dead. There’s this man who wanted to kidnap them but because he thought they’re dead, he’s gonna leave us alone. Then my brother and I just discovered the truth when Zac and I were kidnapped. So, my parents heard what happened to us and immediately sent my uncle to bring us to them. Then we had a reunion and they started visiting us after school. But they don’t have enough time to stay with us for a longer time because they’re managing their families’ companies."

"But who took care of you when your parents were gone?"

"My aunt did. She looked after me and my brother," I said.

"Your aunt is very kind," she said. Ha, that’s what you think.

"Mom, our teacher is crushing on Zac!" A girl’s voice said and we turned to see Sarah and Zac with an annoyed look on his face.

"What?" Their mom said.

"I was talking to her teacher and I asked her about what Sarah is doing at school. But she’s still looking at me like she didn’t hear anything. Your teacher should be fired from her job," Zac said, sitting beside me.

Their mom laughed. "Come on, Sarah, seems like your big brother wanted to continue his date with Juliana," their mom said and smiled at me before she and Sarah left. I smiled back.

"Mom and Sarah are embarrassing me!" Zac said.

"It’s okay. Honestly, I think Sarah is very funny. And your mom is cool," I said, smiling at him.

"You do?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I like your family. They look so happy," I said as we stood and started to walk.

"What did my mom said?"

"Well, she just asked me about a few questions," I said.

"And what did she ask?"

"That’s just between your mom and me," I said.

"Oh come on, why shouldn’t I know? What? Did she tell you to stay away from me? I’ll go talk to her," Zac said.

"No, she didn’t say anything about you staying away from me. She didn’t. Actually, she likes me. So, no worries," I said.

"Really, I wanted to know what she said."

"Why don’t you ask her when you go home?"

"I didn’t even think of going home today. I wanna be with you."

"Your mom’s going to think that I’m stealing her little boy from her."

"Shut up," he said, opening the passenger door for me, still smiling. I went inside the car and he closed the door and went to the driver’s seat. He started the engine and drove.

I smiled. This is enough for me. In this passenger seat, with a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts. I’m finally admitting this. He loves me. And I love him back.

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