You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess... Chapter3

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Mike asks Juliana out!!! Please comment and vote


Chapter 3

-Back to Juliana’s Point of View

Later a lunch, Mitchie and I went to the cafeteria. We were sitting in our usual table, talking about random things. It’s nice to have Mitchie around.

"…and so, that’s how I finished that homework," she just finished talking about our homework last year and she happened to passed the teacher’s room that time and saw the answers.

"Yeah, cheating," I muttered.

"Well, I just used the chance, okay? It’s very rare," she said.

"Hmm, maybe," I muttered.

"So, really? Nothing happened when Mike went to your house? I mean, if he asked you out or-" I cut her off.

"Ugh, Mitch, do you know how many times you asked that question today? I don’t know how many times myself but it’s overdosed," I said.

"Really? You think so? Just admit that you like Mike." I'm a hundred percent sure it’s not Mitchie. It’s a guy’s voice. Then, I saw the stupidest, dumbest, craziest, evil guy that I would love to see die.

"What are you doing here? You're eavesdropping again, aren't you?" I glared at him.

"Why would I eavesdrop to your stupid conversation? I just happened to pass," Zac said. Zac is popular at school. He likes to flirt with the girls (I'm an exception, we hate each other) but he's a player. Of course, anyone would expect that from him. He's rich that's why he's a spoiled brat. He has dark-brown hair and blue eyes. I admit that he's good-looking but I would never ever like him.

"Stupid conversation, huh? Then leave and get your butt somewhere else!" I said and kicked his leg.

His hand flew to his leg that I kicked and then he leaned closer to me, his face inches away from mine. "You look so cute when you're mad. I won't mind if you kick me until I die," he said, running his fingers through my cheeks.

"Don't touch me!" I said and jerked his hand away. I glared at him.

Then, he leaned quickly and kissed my cheek. I blushed but next thing I knew, he's running away. "You pervert jerk!" I yelled and ran after him.

He laughed. Everybody must be looking at us but I don't care. "You know, you're cuter when you're blushing!" he teased and that made me ran faster. Running is so easy for me, since I always run away from Gristella and Amber.

"Juliana!" I heard someone called me.

I stopped on my tracks and turned my head over my shoulder. It's Mike. I turned to him and walked. I won't waste my time chasing Zac around.

"Hey Mike, what's up?" I said, grinning.

He grinned back. "'Hey Juliana, are you busy?"

"No." Why does he want to know?

"Are you done chasing Zac?" he asked me.

"I won't waste my time chasing him. Why? What's wrong?" I asked. Did I mention that Zac is Mike's bestfriend? It sucks more than you think!

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's great. I just wanna tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Can I take you out for dinner tonight? But unless you're busy tonight it's okay," he asked shyly. Am I dreaming? Did he just asked me out? I didn't think that this would be happening.

"Me?" I asked instead.

"Yes, you. Can I take you out for dinner tonight?" he asked.

Of course Mike! I've been waiting for this! "Sure Mike," I said.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at seven, okay? And..." he said and leaned to me. "...wear a dress, okay?"

"Okay," I said. His brown eyes staring into my blue ones.

"I'll see you later, then," he said and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, see you later," I said.

Wow, I can't believe this! I can't wait to go out with him!

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