You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess... Chapter8

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Julians discovers something...


Chapter 8

I woke up, feeling dizzy. I was lying on something soft, must be a couch or bed, I guess. I sat up. I looked around. I was in a unfamiliar dark room. The only thing that lights up the room is the light from the window. I looked at the thing near me. It's looks like a head. I smacked it and a hand flew to the head.

"Ow!" a familiar voice said. Then the head turned. It's Zac!

"Where are we? Why are you here?" I yelled.

"I don't know, okay? What I know is we're kidnapped," Zac said, sitting next to me.

"I don't mind being kidnapped but why should you be taken, too?" I said.

"Well, I think those guys were really kidnapping you but I followed you so they decided to bring me, too."

"Or unless you really asked somebody to kidnap us!"

"Why would I?" he's looking at me like I'm nuts.

"Well, you said something about kidnapping me. You said it the night I'm outside the house." It feels a little awkward saying the words like 'date' or 'went out together'.

"The same night you went out with Mike?" he asked me, grinning.

I nodded.

"Well, I did say that," he said calmly. Then he yelled. "But that doesn't mean I would kidnap you for bad purposes!"

"What do you mean? Are you telling me that you're not a jerk?" I said, raising one eyebrow.

Then he leaned closer to me. His face is so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my face. "If I would kidnap you, it's because I want you to be mine," he said.

Then I felt heat on my cheeks. I went away from him and sat on the other end of the couch. "Don't you dare take an inch closer to me!" I yelled.

"Like I would? Are you that serious?" he said, pissing me off. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at him. "So, you wanted a pillow fight?"

I looked at him, pretending to be innocent. "Me? I don't. Besides there's only one pillow."

"There's only two of us in this room. Who would be throwing the pillow at me?" he said, grinning.

"I don't know. Maybe..." I said, standing up from the couch. "'s you."

"Oh yeah?" he said then chased me around the room.

The room was huge and rectangular and it only contains one locked door, one window, one couch, one insane jerk and of I ran around the room, trying my best not to be caught by the stupid guy. I grabbed the pillow from the couch, hoping that I could bury him with it. I tried to hit him with it but we fell to the couch and he's pinning me down.

His blue eyes are looking straight into my blue ones. I can hear my heart beating fast. Heat were coming to my cheeks. He leaned closer to me, his face an inch away from mine. Then...then...

The door burst open and he quickly got off me. My face was still red and I'm sure of that. Three guys walked in the room and then looked at us. One of them walked over me. I didn't manage to hit him because he placed my hands behind me and placed handcuffs on them. They tied a handkerchief to our mouth and good thing it's clean and it smells strongly like a boy's cologne. I looked over at Zac and he's gagged, too. Zac was trying to let go but one of them punched him in the gut. Two of them dragged Zac out of the room and the other one grabbed my elbow and led me out.

We walked in silence since there's nothing to look at. The hall we're currently walking in was dark and there were cracks on the walls. There were dusts too and some broken pieces of wood. We stopped in front of a door and they dragged us inside the room.

There's a man in gray suit sitting behind a wooden table. There were shelves on the walls filled with books. There's light in here. This room looked like an office. The man in suit was grinning hugely like he's looking at a million dollar. It made me so angry. Why does he had to grin when we're here gagged up? I tried to get free of the handkerchief.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled. The guy holding my elbow pulled out his gun but the man in suit shook his head at him. The man walked closer to me.

"So, it's nice seeing you again, Juliana Gale," the man in suit said, grinning at me like we're friends. He's brown-haired and he has amber eyes. He looks familiar.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"I know everything about you. You're the daughter of Jessica and Daniel Gale, right?" he said.

"How did you know my parents?" I said.

"Who wouldn't know about the famous owners of various hotels and resorts in the country?" he said.

"What do you mean? Are you crazy? They're gone a long time ago!" I yelled. I knew that everybody's eyes are on me now.

"Oh. Didn't you know that they're just here. Hanging around?" he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"They're still alive. And they're back to their normal rich lives. They left and gave you and your brother to Victoria."

Mom and dad? Still alive? Back to being filthy rich? Holy shit! This is a little weird. I can't believe this. "Why do you have to take us if they're the rich ones?"

"I was planning to take you as the bait. But that boy..." he said, pointing to Zac. "He saw us and we decided to take him, too, since he's a little rich, too. But don't worry, you have more gold than him." Is this guy serious?

"What are you planning to do?"

"Well, we're planning to call your parents and tell them that we'll be babysitting you for a while. We'll make them give the money we wanted but they'll only get lifeless bodies." Then he laughed. He's gonna kill us but they'll get their money. Shit. My parents were alive and is probably enjoying rich life? What the hell is that? They didn't tell me anything that they're rich. But, maybe these guys got it wrong.

"I think you got it wrong," I said.

"Why do you think so?" he said.

"My parents were dead. I can even show you their ashes!" I said. My parents were cremated (I think) and their ashes were placed in two different jars. But Victoria didn't let me and Justin see the cremation.

"Those were fake. Victoria didn't let you see the cremation, right?" he said. I noticed that he's having trouble saying Victoria's name.

Then it suddenly hit me. "Do you know Victoria?"

"Of course. She's on our side when we kidnapped your parents when they're in your age," the man said, turning his back to me. He's so obvious.

"Do you know Amber and Gristella?"

"Yes. They're Victoria's daughters."

"Do you know where their father is?" I realized I was grinning but then I stopped it.

"W-why are you asking me stupid questions?" the man said then faced us.

"Because I'm wondering if you're Victoria's husband," I said. His eyes widened and before I knew it, the guys dragged us out of the room and threw us to the room we've been to earlier. I didn't struggle to let go. I'm busy thinking about things.

There were things that I discovered:

1.) My parents are alive. (Still not proven true)

2.) My parents are filthy rich. (Still not proven true)

3.) The man in suit was Amber and Gristella's dad (Proven true a bit)

4.) Victoria and my parents lied.

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