You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess... Chapter18

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{There was once a magical bunny called Hubba. He was a lonely bunny. He decided to go on a quest to find his soulmate through the valley of rainbows. Vote to help Hubba find the magic bunny of his dreams...)

Please vote, I need some motivation! :)

Chapter 18

I just shook my head at him.

"Did you hit your head or something?" I asked, looking at him oddly.

Next thing I knew, I was pulled into his arms. He raised my chin and he grinned. Then, he kissed me. It lasted for a minute with his arms around me. I felt weird things burst out at once. I can feel fury and embarrassment building up in me. But there's something bigger than that. What's this? If it's the only way to describe this insane thing, I can feel sparks. There's a glow, the warmth and... happiness? Why should I be happy being kissed by this damned guy?

Whatever the reason is, I will kill him. I jerked away from him and pushed his chest. When he won't let go, I punched him on the face without thinking of it. Oh god, why did I punch him? Oh, what the -? Why am I worrying? He deserves it, didn't he? He deserves it for kissing a girl without her permission. I stood and freed myself from him and looked at him.

"I hate you!" I shouted to him before storming out of his room. I reached to rub my eyes and realized that there were tears. Not again. Why am I crying? He's just a guy. He's not worthy of a girl's tears. He's nothing but a guy. He's a pervert. He's stupid. He's an idiot. He's evil. He's useless.

But no, he's not, said a little voice in my head, he saved your life.

Shut up. I know what he did, okay?

It means that you're important to him. He won't do it if you're nothing to him.

He just did it because it seems like it's the only thing to do that moment.

He said he loves you. Surely, he won't say that if he didn't mean it.

He probably said that to hundred of girls and did the same to them... maybe even more than that.

You just don't want to admit it.

Admit what? Get out of my head! Then the voice stopped. I felt stupid. I don't think arguing with a voice in my head is typical. And it's very annoying if it's trying to confuse you.

I drove back to the house to find my parent's car outside the house. Mitchie must have told Justin what happened and he immediately told mom and dad. I stepped out of the car and went inside the house. And there they are. Justin was holding his phone while sitting at the foot of the stairs. Mom was sitting at the couch, staring at nothing in particular while her arms were folded against her chest. Dad was busy on the phone.

"... well, I still don't know. She's still not here, Jason," I heard dad said.

"Hey," I said calmly but the TV was loud so they didn't hear me. I looked over at Justin who's now texting. I whistled at him but he didn't look up. I got annoyed and said in a loud voice, "Yo!" They immediately stopped what they're doing and looked at me. Dad said goodbye to whoever he's talking to on the phone. Justin placed his phone to the pocket of his jeans. Mom stood and hugged me.

"Oh, Juliana, I thought something bad happened to you. You didn't return after you went to the hospital with your friends," mom said after she pulled away.

"It's alright, mom. I just insisted on waiting for Zac to wake up," I said, saying his name with gritted teeth.

"Juliana, what happened?" dad asked.

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