You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess... Chapter19

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{There was once a magical bunny called Hubba. He was a lonely bunny. He decided to go on a quest to find his soulmate through the valley of rainbows. Vote to help Hubba find the magic bunny of his dreams...)

Please vote, I need some motivation! :)

Chapter 19

Back to Juliana's Point of View

I hate myself. I want to jump off a cliff. I can't believe this. Alright, I admit that I had a crush on him for quite a long time. But I never expected that to grow into something bigger. Something stronger than a simple admiration. I didn't expect to fall for him. I didn't mean to. I always admired him for his cockiness but I also hate a bunch of things about him. I hate it when he tease me. I hate it when he kiss me on the cheek because it's his way of embarrassing me.

I hate it when he order me around. But I love it when he becomes sweet sometimes. He rarely becomes nice to me before because he thought I still hate him. We always fight like kids. Everyday, I swear to myself I'm gonna kill him but I find myself being busy on something else. Why does my destiny have to be like this? Why should I fall for him? I swore to myself I'm not going to fall for him even he's the last guy alive. But now, this? Ugh.

I woke up this morning because of my alarm clock. I turned it off and looked outside the window. The rain had stopped. I can now see the sun, not hidden behind the clouds anymore. I stood from my bed and walked toward the window. I opened the window and let the fresh air come into my room. I breathed in the air and closed my eyes and sighed.

I opened my eyes and grinned. I hope this will be a nice day for me. I walked across my room and went outside the door. I walked through the hall and walked down the stairs. I can smell the newly-cooked pancakes in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw Justin setting pancakes on the plates.

He looked at me and said, "Dig in."

I grinned and walked toward the table. I pulled one chair and sat. I reached the syrup and poured some on my pancakes. I grabbed my fork and started eating. I looked at Justin, who I realized was looking at me. "What?" I said with my mouth full.

"You look weird," he said.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I said.

"No. You just looked happier than usual," he said.

I merely continued eating.

"Did something happened?" he asked.

"What is it to you?"

"I'm your older bro so you should also tell me some stuff."

I didn't say anything. Justin knows me so much. Am I just a book to him? Can he read me easily like reading a real book? I don't know. Justin always seems like he doesn't care but deep inside, he's overprotective like our dad.

He's not showing it, but he is. I don't know if it's a good thing or not. It's a good thing because he appears to be concerned about me. But it's also a disadvantage because he'll ask some personal stuff. I went to shower after and went to my room to get dressed. I wore a shirt and my usual jeans. I placed a sweater over my shirt because of the weather. I wore my flats and walked to the dresser and combed my curly hair. I grabbed my bag and walked across the room. I opened the door and saw Justin in the hall. He was smiling mischievously.

"Hurry up, you've got a visitor," he said and walked to his room.

I shrugged and placed my bag over my shoulder. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. I went outside the house and saw Zac leaning against his car. He grinned and walked towards me. He pulled me into his arms and placed his chin on the top of my head.

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