You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess... Chapter2

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Chapter 2

When Justin and I arrived at school from the school bus, I ran to Mitchie. Mitchie is my bestfriend since we're in middle school. She's dark-haired with dark brown eyes. She's quite smaller than me.

"Hey Mitchie!" I greeted her.

"Hey Juliana!" she greeted back.

"What's up?" she asked me.

"Nothing interesting. Except..." I said, considering her big mouth.

"Except?" she asked eagerly.

"Except the fact that I saw Mike in my house this morning." Mitchie knows that I have a secret crush on Mike.

"Wow! Really?" her face lit up with excitement. "But what is he doing there?"

"Well, I suppose he saw me climbing down the ladder and he got curious so he went there."

"That's all?" she asked, wanting for more. Then I leaned and whispered to her what really happened. "Really? He did? He really did-" she tried to say but I put my hand on her mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, but shut up your mouth!" I said and removed my hand.

"But did he asked you out?" she whispered.

"No, why would he?" I said.

"Hmm, we'll never know," she muttered and we walked to our lockers.

Zac Derrel's point of view

I was checking out my locker when I saw Juliana walking down the hall. I sighed. She's just so beautiful. If you compare all the girls in this school to her, she might be the simplest. She's pretty without making efforts. She doesn't use makeup or wear designer clothes. She's walking with her bestfriend, Mitchie and then her brother tailing behind.

Juliana and I were classmates since we're in fifth grade and I swear that I have a crush on her since I saw her. Her blonde hair have curls on the middle to the end which is straight at the top. She has dazzling blue eyes. She has full pink lips and fair skin. And, I can't help but notice but she has perfect curves and long legs, even she's wearing her jeans, it's very noticeable.

I would have asked her out, every guy would, but she only sees me as her annoying classmate. Of course, because I kept on teasing her that's why she hates me. Teasing her is just a result of my secret crush for her.

Then, I came back to myself when I heard my bestfriend talking to me.

"Hey Zac," Mike said. Mike had a crush on Juliana but he doesn't know I do, too.

"Hey dude," I said.

"There's something I wanna ask you, since you're the expert at this kind of stuff," Mike said.

"What's that?" I said, not really paying attention.

"I wanted to ask a girl out," he said, almost a whisper. Why is he embarrassed that someone would hear what he's up to? Isn't it enough to make all the girls (maybe except Juliana) jealous of the girl he'll ask out?

"Yeah, what about it?" I said while we're walking.

"How do you normally ask a girl out?" he asked.

"Well, I flirt with them or something and then says when and where I'll meet them." That's the normal procedure to me since I'm a flirt and a player. But if the girl is hard-to-get, I have to figure out something.

"No, how do you ask a girl out properly? Without the flirting," he said.

"You approach her in a place where no one will hear you and then ask her if she wanted to go out with you. Then if she agrees, tell her where you wanted to meet her and when." That's on the guidebook.

"Okay, got it," he said.

"Who's this girl, anyway? You won't mind if I ask, right?"

"It's Juliana, dude," he said. Then suddenly, I was angry at him. He's taking the girl I like out? Oh well, I couldn't do anything about it unless I tell him the truth. I sighed. I've never been jealous of someone.

"Well, good luck on that," I said, forcing an encouraging smile and left.

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