Yes, I am Phat. (Urban)

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Growing up being the big/lil sister was always hard for me I guess you can say. I had an older brother named Terrell. He was 17, I was 16. We didn't really hang out because our moms and dad were separated. I lived with my dad until I moved with my mom. She lived in New York, and I was from Virginia. I was kinda of nervous because I never been to New York.


"Ria, come on baby time to get up." my dad said shaking me. God I wish he would just let me stay here. I would be perfectly fine without friends.

"Okay dad, I'm up, I'm up." I said sighing and sitting up.

"Okay, gone and do your lil girly stuff." he said shaking his head.

"Dad we both know I'm not girly." I said laughing.

"You know what I mean. But I need to go get ready myself. See you downstairs." he said closing my door.

I got up and went into the bathroom cutting the water on warm. I don't see how people could take a shower, bath, wash up or whatever in hot water. That's crazy. I did my hygiene and hopped out wrapping a towel around my body. I already had my clothes packed except for the outfit I left out last night. I dried off and put some lotion all over my body.

I put on some black boy shorts and my black sports bra. I wanted to be comfortable on this long flight I was bout to get on. I never been on a plane before, so I just decided on some blue skinny jeans with a navy blue tank top tucking it in while adding my brown belt. I put on my plaid navy blue and white with a few lines of brown shirt with my navy blue Toms. I slicked my hair down and looked in the mirror. Ew.

I made sure I had packed all of my things, including my headphone and phone. I grabbed my bags and walked downstairs to the front door and sat them down. I headed up to my dads room and saw him looking at pictures of us when I was little.

"Aw don't tell me you getting soft on me old man." I said smiling.

"I just don't want you to go." he said sighing.

"I know, I wanna stay here with you and Midnight too." I said walking towards him. "But hey, I can and will always come back to visit. You'll probably get tired of seeing me." I said laughing.

" Yeah your right, plus I need some cuddie." he said serious.

"Okay let's go! Ew what the heck dad? Cuddie? We are not in Georgia." I said laughing.

We drove to the airport and I headed towards my gate. We were a couple of hours early just in case it got early. We waited, and waited, and waited until my flight was called.

"Flight to New York city is now prepared to board, please have your tickets in hand and go to gate S." the lady on the intercom said.

I stood up and looked at my dad and instantly started crying. He pulled me into a tight hug and it seemed like the tears couldn't stop. I pulled away and saw him crying to, the first time in my life.

"I love you old man." I said smiling.

"I love you too lil girl." he said wiping my tears away. I grabbed my bags and put them on the cart and went through the metal detector. I grabbed my bags and walked down the hall that lead to the plane. I found my class and sat down putting my bags up. I plugged in my charger and phone and started chewing some gum. Ain't finna have my ears popping. I listened to music the whole flight until it was time for me to see my moms and brother.

OOOOH!!! I have this idea!

I ways wanted to do a story about a girl being PHAT: Pretty Hot And Thick. That's my meaning for it.

But tell me what you think of this so far.

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Much Love ♥

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