Dipping into Heaven (For Bianca) DIRTY

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For @___belieber___

"Justin," Bianca whispered, "I'm supposed to be watching you. Do you want me fired?"

It was dark now.

He shrugged, "I know my mom thinks I need a babysitter, but c'mon. I'm a grown. And I know you are too, Ani, but you're still so young at the same time. Plus, you're my best friend. My mom can't fire you. Don't think of this as a job. It's a tag-along vacay (vacation)." Justin ducked under the water and swam to the edge of the lake in front of her. He smiled, "And you need to chill the fuck out."

Bianca put her hand on her hip, "What's all that supposed to mean? And I sure as heck can get in trouble if you do though. Put your clothes on, nasty Bieber."

Justin rolled his eyes, "Just try skinny dipping. Just once. Don't be such a tight ass once. It's tiring to be such a try-hard huh?"

Bianca was starting to get frustrated. She groaned, "If you don't come out right now, I will go in there and drag you to land."

"By all means," Justin grinned, "I would love that."

She sighed deeply, at a last attempt, "Justin, will you just, please?"

"Just what?" he asked.

"Just be grown up, for me. Once," Bianca begged, "I just don't want you to get in trouble. If paparazzi catches you- worse, catches us together, with you naked- and start those sick rumors-"

Justin frowned, "Don't be so worried about me, Ani. Do you remember when we used to be able to spend all day together? Before any of that fame shit."

Bianca whispered, "You were famous. You just weren't notorious, Justin. There's a difference."

He sighed, "Look, I know the deportation news is scaring you, but I promise, just spend this night with me. It'll all go away."

Bianca took a deep breath, "Justin, you're naked. That's pretty immature. Just get out- please."

Justin smirked, "Are you scared? Is my little Bianca scared? Like a baby?"

Bianca gasped, "Justin! Are you really going to resort to mocking?"

"If this is what it takes," he winked.

Bianca rolled her eyes, "Get out." She bent down,outstretching her hand to him, to pull him up. She also had a towel in the other hand so that Justin could speedily put it on when he came out.

Justin reached out to her and took her small hand into his. His hand met her warm one and it was a moment of perfection- until Justin gave Bianca a sharp yank into the water.

She screamed, feeling the water drench her completely. It soaked through her clothes and uncomfortably into her underwear as well. Upset, she frowned at Justin and jumped on him, completely forgetting he was naked.

"ANI!" Justin yelled, half-laughing.

"What is so funny?!" she exclaimed, slapping his chest.

"I'm naked," Justin said, and Bianca froze. He grinned, "And you're so fucking wet."

Bianca gasped, "You jerk! Justin- let go of me!"

"No way," he smiled, "you were the one who jumped at me first anyways."

Bianca pouted, "Justin, this is gross. Will you just please let me go- please? Justin!"

He tightened his hold on her and shook his head. His nose brushed hers and he shook his head. Bianca frowned, but she knew that her face was very, very red. She could feel Justin's bare chest and his strong arms. His lean, naked frame pressed against her and she was going crazy in her mind.

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