Top of the Tree (For Angel)

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For @supangel

"It's a white Christmas!" Angel squealed, her fingers gripping the bottom of the window pane and Justin laughed, but remained seated where he was, on the big, brown couch.

She frowned at him, "Justin, be excited, please."

He gave her a little side smile.

Angel took a deep breath and smiled. She couldn't help it.

She twirled around in front of the window, her light brown hair flying. She tipped her head back and she danced by herself in front of the window. She did her "happy girl" dance, which Justin found absolutely adorable.

He got up from the couch and gave her a bear hug and she squealed and giggled. He took her small body into his arms.

Justin smirked and pinched her cheek, "Stop it, you little devil."

Angel rolled her eyes, "Funny, Justin." She wriggled out of his strong arms, which is a very difficult task, and walked over to the Christmas tree, where to the near left, there was a huge box of decorations.

The room was lit up warmly, a fire crackling in the other side of the room, and Angel intended to finish it off with a beautiful, glorious tree, to mark her first Christmas with Justin.

Angel started trying to untangle the mass amounts of string of Christmas lights as Justin stood where he was.

 "God," Angel sighed, "you are such a lazy, lazy boy."

Justin rolled his eyes playfully, mocking her, and walked over. He grabbed the other side of the string of lights and tried to untangle too. His long fingers tried to delicately work the lines.

Angel smiled at him and he grinned back at her, making her blush. She reached up and covered her pink face, self concious.

Justin reached up and pulled her arm down, "Babe, don't do that. It's what I love about you. Among a bazillion other things."

Angel smiled, "You are such a sappy boy."

"I'm only this way for you," Justin winked.

Anegl opened her mouth to reply when a bing from the kitchen sounded, signaling that the gingerbread cookies were done. She squinted her eyes at Justin, "Carefully untangle this mess, okay?"

He nodded enthusastically and Angel furrowed her eyebrows at him, suspicious, before finally turning around and heading to cool off the gingerbread.

She stopped the beeping and opened the oven, taking out the tray with a towel.

She wondered for a moment if Justin was going to be gone for Christmas. It was really close, and she knew that Scooter had advised that Justin have a mini tour around Christmas that would really boost his fanbase and promote his new single. But that would also mean that Justin wouldn't make it in time for Christmas with her.

Angel placed the cookies on the island counter and headed back.

She looked around the room. Justin was gone, and so was the whole mess of Christmas lights. She turned worried. Where was he?

"Justin Drew Bieber!" she yelled, scared, "Where in the world are you?"

Suddenly, a figure covered in dark green tackled her and Angel screamed and yelped. She looked at the person and saw it was Justin, covered in the lights and wires.

She gasped, mad. Her face turned into a furious one. 

Justin whispered, "I'm holding it."

Angel frowned, "What, Justin? You scared me so bad! You always do-"

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