Tips for Love (For Bianca Marie)

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For Biancaa_Mariee

Bianca stared at the menu. What to get? There wasn't anything especially great. 

Not that she could afford much. Maybe she shouldn't have fought with her parents and missed out on allowance. But she really couldn't obey them when they wanted her to stay at home. She really needed to see that "new opening" artists show on Wednesday. 

It featured artists in the neighborhood that people were anticipating to make it big.

And Bianca never missed it when it was held every other month. This time, the singers were actually pretty crappy. Except for one. What was his name? 

Justin Bieber. Oh yea.

He was amazing. Bianca didn't really know why he hadn't been signed yet.

"Can I take your order?" the waiter asked.

"Yea, um..." Bianca bit her lip, "2 pancakes."

"Just 2?" the guy grinned, "You're a tiny little thing. What about I buy you 2 more?"

She looked up blushing then realized the face was a familiar one. Wow, um... thank of him and he's right there, huh?

He stood there in front of her in a tee and a white apron, a towel on his shoulder.

Tall and lean and very good looking.

"Justin Bieber- right?" Bianca laughed, "Oh my God, you were at the artists festival on Wednesday! You're really great! Man, you should be famous already."

It was Justin's turn to blush, "Ah, well thanks."

Bianca smiled, "I only say what I mean. Anyways, it's alright. I'm not that hungry. Save up that money. I want to see you buy a new music set of something and get famous!"

Justin smiled and looked around.

When he saw that none of his coworkers were paying attention, he sat down on the chair across from Bianca and said, "I wish it was that easy. What's your name by the way?"

"Bianca," she answered, smile on her lips. 

Justin laughed, "I like that. Anyways, Bianca, I'm about to get on my break. Let me just get your order. Don't want anyone else serving you." He added a little wink at the end.

Bianca inevitably lost her appetite, as most people do when they're around someone attractive.

"Actually, I really don't feel like eating," Bianca smiled, "do you mind if I hang out with you during your break?"

Justin smirked, "Don't mind at all."


Justin threw on his jacket and held Bianca's hand as they walked out onto the streets. When he noticed her surprised face, he grinned, "So you won't get lost."

Bianca laughed, "I live here, Justin. So, where do you usually hang out?"

He smiled, "Um, during break, I usually head down the street to help polish my uncle's guitars. He sells instruments."

Bianca nodded, "Can I help?"

"Why the hell not?" Justin smiled and gripped her hand, pulling her towards the shop.


Justin studied Bianca's amazement to his uncle's shop. No one had ever been this interested in Uncle George's violins and pianos and drums.

Justin dinged the bell and George came out.

"Justin! My favorite nephew!" George exclaimed and gave him a hug over the counter.

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