Hearts on the Moon (For Mya)

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For @storyfreak87

Mya's curly hair fell into her face, and she tucked it behind her ear again. The yells grew louder behind her and she walked faster.

"Get back here, you f*cking bitch!" a teenage boy yelled. He was in a sleeveless varsity jersey. His green eyes flashed and his gelled blonde hair and tall frame made a very charming image. But Mya was just terrified right now.

Mya whimpered and her lower lip quivered. 

"I know that you were the one who f*cking blew up my locker!" the boy shouted.

Mya started running, and so did her pursuer.

She cried, "Please leave me alone, Tyler!" Her pink skirt bounced up and down as she ran quickly, but as Tyler was on the basketball team, he caught up quickly.

Mya squealed when Tyler's hand grabbed her wrist roughly. He pushed her into a wall of lockers and growled, "School's out now. No one's going to hear you scream. You're such a slut, Mya. I heard you do every f*cking guy at school. And girl too. You should pay me for stuffing all that shit in my locker." He leaned onto her, and pressed his nose against her neck.

His obvious size advantage let him over-power her.

She took a sharp breath, turning her head from him and sobbing, "I didn't put the confetti in your locker! I didn't leave the stuffed animals in there- I promise!"

Tyler scowled, "So you left the banner that said 'faggot' on it then?"

Mya shook her head, "No! No! Tyler, I don't know you! I didn't do it! I was just there at the wrong time! I'm so sorry! Please just let me go!" 

The blonde boy kissed her neck and Mya screamed. He forcefully slammed her hips into the wall, brusing her waist. She groaned in pain.

"Shut the f*ck up," Tyler moaned into her collarbone, "no one's here anyways. No one's going to hear you, pretty princess." He ripped her shirt so that her chest was revealed.

Mya closed her eyes. Tyler was going to rape her and there was nothing she could do about it. She had no hope left. But she squeezed her eyes shut, just wishing someone would come.


Justin shoved his hands into his pockets and walked down the quiet halls by himself. He wasn't even mad about his detention this time, he was just put in there for being a disturbance in class. And Justin knew he was lucky to have gotten away with the locker vandalization. 

He had defaced Tyler John's locker. Tyler was his competitor for basketball team captain. He had stuffed pink confetti, five stuffed animals, and a huge banner saying "Faggot You F*cked Up Basketball".

And Justin, being the bad boy he was, didn't give much of a f*ck how much trouble he would get in, or how offensive it was. He just wanted to be captain.

He heard a scream and immediately, his head snapped towards that direction. He looked around and sprinted towards the left, where the yelps had come from.

What Justin saw just hurt something in him.

He saw buff, violent Tyler forcing himself onto a short girl, who was beautiful. She had full, pink lips and squeezable cheeks. She was wearing pink, with a bow in her hair. She was tugging at her poufy pink skirt, which Tyler was trying to slide his hand into.

Her curly hair fell onto her collarbone and her bangs were almost covering her eyes because of how low she was trying to dip her head. Her shirt was ripped open and Tyler had obviously done that.

Justin ran towards the two and with out thinking, socked Tyler in the face.

Mya opened her eyes and saw Justin Bieber wearing his sleeveless varsity jersey too. He was tall with round brown eyes and caramel hair.

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