Perfect Angel (For Rosie- HtP Continuation, Part 2)

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For @kidrauldream

Hi Rosie! Picture of Daisy is to the side! :)

 "Is Daisy really ready for this?" I asked, frowning a bit, turning my head slightly to look behind me.

Justin grinned, rubbing my back, "Have a little faith, Rosie. I know she's going to be perfect. We picked out the dress and shoes for her and everything." He leaned forward and kissed my neck, "She's been excited for this. My angel's going to do perfect."

I smiled, giggling at his lips on my skin, "Aw, Justin. Well, it's just that- this is her first big interview, you know? And she's only three."

"I know both of those things, beautiful," Justin laughed, "And I also know you're being to worried. She's almost four, you know. And I'd never let the paps hurt her."

"I know you wouldn't," I nodded, "I love you, Justin. Oh God, why are you so perfect?"

Justin laughed, "I'm perfect?"

"Totally and completely," I smiled and turned around to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in.

As he kissed me, he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. His other hand went around my waist.

"Mommy!" Daisy's voice yelled, "Ew! What are you doing?"

I giggled and looked over at my daughter. She had faded brown hair and one dimple on her full cheeks. Her hair was in a ballerina bun and she was wearing a dark blue dress with polka dots.. 

"Princess!" Justin exclaimed and picked Daisy up, spinning her in circles.

"AH!" she screamed, "Daddy, stop! Mommy- help!"

I ran over there and tried to get Daisy from eccentric Justin's arms. But he just lifted her higher into the air and out of my reach more and more. When I went on the left side, he turned to the right.

"Justin!" I yelled, but I couldn't help laughing. I leaned onto him in defeat and he lowered Daisy and hugged us both, kissing the top of my head. And when he closed his eyes, smiling, I snatched Daisy from him and held her tight in my arms.

Justin gasped, "Rosie!"

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Sucks to suck, Justin."

He laughed, "Oh-ho." His eyes widened and for a second, he was just silent. Then he smirked.

"Daddy, why are you smiling like that?" Daisy asked.

Justin grabbed me suddenly, wrapping his arms around my waist and I held onto Daisy tighter, squealing.

He swayed side to side, holding me and me holding Daisy.

"I love it when you hold Daisy with me," Justin whispered in my ear, rubbing his face on my shoulder. He kissed the base of my neck and locked his fingers with his arms around me.

I just smiled, "So do I, baby."


I was so anxious as I watched Justin carry Daisy up to the stage. The crowd was clapping. I shifted in my seat and Ellen smiled at me, "Wow, Mrs. Bieber. Your child is beautiful. I'm so glad that her first interview is going to be with me. It's a wonder how you guys kept Daisy from the media for so long. It's been a few years."

I nodded and smiled, "Thanks so much, Ellen! Well, Justin's really protective of her. But Daisy really wanted to do an interview and since Justin spoils her-"

I saw Daisy whisper something in Justin's ear and he slowly put her down to the ground and held her hand. They walked over to his seat together and he pulled her unto his lap.

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