Stay When We Leave (For Dylan- NANA Continuation, Part 2)

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For @4nowIwillbewaiting

"Dylan Anamaria Willis!" someone called, "Get your fucking hands off of my husband!"

Despite what that girl just said, Dylan tightened her grip on Justin's hand and walked faster. Those people knew her full name. 

They've threateningly tweeted her parents' address publicly. And Dylan had once asked Justin if she should move back in with them and he had said they were just kidding about egging the house or TPing it, or commiting murder.

But she could tell he was concerned too.

Justin had a very mixed up role. He had to reassure Dylan but at the same time protect her. If he could, he would just assume the protecting role and yell at everyone who wanted to hurt her. But he tried his best to act like they weren't so bad as he thought they were.

Now was not an expection though. Justin shook his head, "Don't listen to those attention-whores, babe. If they say one more thing-"

"They're just like that 'cause they love you," Dylan shrugged, knowing how jealous she'd feel too (not enough to death threat though), "and I don't blame them. Let's just go."

But it wasn't as easily said as done. 

They were pretty much surrounded by beliebers, because Justin had a signing earlier in the mall and Dylan had arrived to surprise him.

She brought flowers for him, sneaking up to him from near the back of the line, waiting her turn. And she had waited for a few hours.

The Bieber line was really long.

Justin broke out in a big smile when he saw her. He gave Dylan a big hug and kiss and laughed at her from bringing flowers.

A few of the girls were rolling their eyes with envy. Justin gave Dylan money to go shopping around the mall and she kissed him on the cheek and did, so he could have time to spend with his Beliebers and finish the signing.

A decent amount of the fans actually appreciated Dylstin or Jylan or whatever crazy ship-name they came up with every other day. Dylan so appreciated those dedicated fans and friends who supported her and Justin. But with the good there is always bad.

And right now the bad was surrounding Justin and her pretty heavily. The fangirls were closing in slowly.

Dylan had already put her three bags of clothes into the trunk of his car and had gone back to leave with Justin. But they were surrounded by some aggressive fans.

Dylan suddenly felt Justin's arm go around her shoulders.

She looked up at him, about to ask what was going on, when he started pushing past the wild fans, well, more like enraged haters.

Dylan wrapped her arms around Justin's waist to get closer and he gripped her shoulders tightly.

Justin finally got Dylan and himself rushed and pushed into a little janitor's room in the mall. 

He immediately put his hands on her cheek and pulled her in close, kissing her passionately.

Dylan ran her hands through his hair, hearing the fangirls' footsteps wander loudly in front of the little room she and her boyfriend where confined to.

Dylan and Justin made out silently and she swirled her tongue into his. He rubbed her back and pulled her in.

She stroked his smooth face with her hand and let him caress her everywhere.

This attention was what kept her esteem at a healthy level. Sometimes she felt so inadequate. But when Justin touched her like that and breathed on her neck so, she felt so loved.

When the sounds of the irate girl's faded, Dylan whispered, "Justin, I love you."

Even in the dark room, she could see Justin's eyes twinkle, "I love you, too. I'm so sorry for everything you have to go through."

 Dylan giggled, "I don't care. I have you. I'm so sorry if I've been causing you trouble with you fans though."

Justin shook his head, "I've never worried about that. I've just been worried about you. I mean, now that the paps know I have a girlfriend, they follow us closer now and I can't take you out to nice places, Dylan."

She shook her head teasingly, "The janitor's closet is pretty nice, too."

 Justin laughed and kissed her, stroking the back of her neck, "This is one of the reasons why I love you so much."

She felt something brush her leg and saw he was still holding the bouquet. 

Dylan's eyes watered, "Justin."

 "Yeah, babe?" he asked, kissing her cheek.

"I don't want you to get in trouble, okay?" she asked.

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

Dylan shook her head, "We don't need flowers. I don't need to see you in public. We can be private if you want that."

Justin gasped, "Dylan! Look, we've already been through this. It's 2 months in. I'll make sure the Beliebers get used to you. You're staying with me forever." He looked into her teary green-gray eyes and smiled, "Stay?"

Dylan nodded, "I'll stay."

Justin laughed and pinched her nose, "Not in this closet though, right? Haha, the chemicals are probably getting us high right now."

"Well, that explains why I'm crazy enough to say I love you, Justin Drew Bieber," Dylan giggled.

Justin kissed her and then leaned his ear against the door.

When he heard nothing, he opened it and lead his girlfriend out of the closet.

Dylan gasped when they reached the parking lot.

A bunch of Beliebers were out there, around Justin's car. 

"They were waiting..." Dylan whispered with wide eyes.

Justin looked at her and laughed at her surprised statement. She looked to innocent. He kissed her cheek, "And we're going to leave now. So they don't have to wait anymore."

Dylan blushed, "Okay."

Justin held her hand tightly and they walked over to the car calmly.

The fans parted like the red sea, all passive-aggresive.

Justin opened the passenger door for Dylan and as she got in, one of the girls crowding the car wailed, "Why do you like that slut?"

Justin's wild eyes immediately shot at the outspoken fan and the fan turned red all over with embarrassment.

He then said calmly, " I love her. I love Dylan Anamaria Willis because she understands me. And she would live her whole life under a rock for me. But she doesn't deserve that. She deserves to be loved and known. You guys are giving her much less. Stop hating on who I love."

Dylan gasped and her face turned pink. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, "Now let's go home, babe. We can leave whenever you want, as long as you stay by my side."


There's your second part, Dylan! I hope you liked it!! :D sorry if it was bad?

 You can request a third time! lol :) yea. Love you- byyyeee!

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