Helping Animals and Drunk InLove

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I decided to see how things were going back in my place, I haven't talk to the love birds in a while and I need a new leader for them.

Ever since my owl passed away I've felt doubtful that love birds could take care of themselves.

Once we approached my cave I saw the most amazing thing. A Snow Leopard. They don't normally live up in high mountain peaks. He was limping,I noticed cuts on its arms. Jack helped me carry it inside. As soon as it entered,the love birds flew high up and perched on ceiling lights. I placed some blankets and cloth for it to lay on it.

"Its injured." I stated. He nodded and spoke. "Yeah pretty bad too." He bent down and held one of his paws up and moved some fur out of the way and I could clearly see a cut that hasn't been treated. I looked at the snow leopard and its eyes should pain and fear. "We have to help it." I bent down as well and looked at the injury and instantly popped back up. "I might have some bandages and some ointment for it. I ran to a room that was just behind the grand stair case. I opened the small rom. It was covered in dust and cob webs. I made my way through and to a cupboard, I opened it and grabbed a few bandages and the ointment.

I ran back to Jack who was patiently waiting, he seemed to get along with the snow leopard. Then for the next 10 minutes we spent bandaging and applying ointment. We moved the clothing and blanket bed into my room. I yawned I was actually pretty tired even if it was 6 am. I hadn't slept for 2 days straight. It was full of non-stop drama and I needed to sleep. I could feel mu weight shift as I went up the stairs. I started leaning to one side and didn't realize I was tipping over. Jack caught me before I felt. I looked up and saw his smile. " Tired are we?" I just nodded.

He flew me up  to my bedroom, it was dark and it smelt like a familiar sent of roses. I felt my eyes lids start to drop and I knew that within in seconds I will be sleeping. As I felt my back touch the soft bedding material, I held onto Jack's arm not letting go. When he was about to walk away he noticed my tight grip and tried to pry my hand of but I let a few words slip. "No...stay...sleep" I saw him take a glance to the door but I tightened the grip more as much as my half in sleep and half awake self could.

I felt the bed shift and I could feel the cold warmth that was my Jack. He kissed my cheek and whispered. "Always." As he snaked his arms around me and pulling me closer to his body. I could hear his heart beat. I listened to his voice as I grew sleepy and gradually more sleepier. "I love you Hazel." I fell drunk into his love and everything felt so great.

I felt like nothing could hurt me , no nightmare could dare come near us. Jack made me feel something that I was missing. Love. 

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