Sickness and Confusion

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After about what seemed like forever, my wings got tired but as I look below I saw a small town. Not many high rise buildings like in most city's now a days. I assume it is Burgess because we started to fly closer to the ground passing through and by people without them noticing. Only a couple of young children noticed but their mother just laughed and suggested it was there imagination. I glance of at Jack and he had the same disappointed face.

Most of our trip was in strange silence and I could tell Jack didn't like it either. My mind was mostly buzzing on about what had gotten in to Bunny when he started to fight with Jack. I am scared to ask but I do anyway. "Jack?"


"Why was Bunny so angry with you?" He had a blank face and didn't answer. I knew I shouldn't have asked.After a few more minutes, I have another itching question, but its much more different. I know if I don't ask I'll never know but if I ask it I might ruin my friendship with Jack. "Hazel? You okay you look concerned." "Oh no nothing everything is fine." Soon enough we land at the park, I've been here before, seems so familiar in a strange way. Jack's voice interrupts my thought.

"Look there's Jamie, I knew I would find him here!" Jack had lighten up in is mood and I decide to too, I didn't want Jamie to think that I was some sort of depressed self centered bi***. We walked over and he recognized Jack instantly with a relived smile. "Jack so glad your here!" The both of them sat down on the bench and began talking until Jack remembered I was there.

"Oh Jamie and guess what?"

"What?!" He spoke so sweetly and full of energy. Reminded me of my first believer, Sam or Samantha but she hated when people called her Samantha she said it made her sound like a rich brat. She was so cute though.

"I brought a friend." Jack had a smile on his face and his perfect white teeth visible. Sometimes he just makes me get lost into thoughts about him which is odd because as far as I'm concerned I don't like think like that.

"Really!? Who?! " Jamie was already exited before even seeing me, he started scanning the area around us. Then it hits me, he can't see me. He doesn't believe in me. I look over at Jack and he realizes to, and he quickly turns back to Jamie and starts whispering something into his ear. Jamie nods his head a few times then shuts his eyes and says something quietly.

I am getting very curious about what's going on but before I know it he is already gasping in my direction,I am a bit doubtful so take a glance back making sure he's looking at me.

By the time I look back he is already has his child arms around me which almost startles me and makes me loose my balance. I fall down backwards in a pile of snow thanks to Jack, and questions start spilling from Jamie's mouth.

Jack just smiles and helps me up. I wipe the chunks of snow off me. "So Jamie where's the rest of the gang?" Jack asks curiously. "That's why I needed your help, something is going on. There all really sick and I don't just mean the chicken pox or flu I mean very strangely sick. There all sick in bed at Pippa's house. The doctor wanted to see all of them. There probably still there. C'mon." Jamie was gesturing us towards a pink peach house down the block. I gave one glance at Jack and he gives me a serious worried look.

Jack scoops up Jamie and flies to the house and we reach the back yard with in seconds and we fly in through the window. The 5 of them where scattered around the room. Two on the sofa and 2 on the other couch and 1 on the arm chair. They all had sick faces and coughed one by one. But once they saw Jack there sick faces started to lighten up. "Jack?,Jamie? What are you doing here?" Said a blonde boy with glasses. All there faces where pale and weak. "Guys you okay?" Jamie is frantically going from person to person to see how there doing and by the looks of it not so well. "The doctor said we had no known sickness and will have to do further reserch, whatever that means." Said a boy that was sitting next to a boy who look exactly like him. Kinda like twins, I guess.

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