Woods and Clues

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I just sighed and got back to mashing the last of the herbs. Tooth and Bunny and North had left, but promised to be back the next morning.

Sandy had knocked out the parents and they were sound asleep. I was alone at a side table mashing green leaves and strange red leaves with a table lamp on. Gnome decided it would be best if he stayed with the children, he was at a bedside gently sprinkling the flower water on the children's faces to keep them cool.

Now that I had time to myself, its time to sort things out. The funny thing is that, I've checked in Jacks Record book and the page where it shows 'love interests' is blank, its never changed. Because the thing is when someone likes someone the book magically prints there name and info down onto the book.

Since I don't have a record book, I'm not sure if I like Jack or not. I mean yeah he is pretty good looking and funny and kind and great but I don't know if that means I like him. I've never liked anybody, am I even suppose to fall in love. Or am I lonely all entirety. Is this just a phase, do I just like him as a friend. Even if I did like him, he doesn't like me back.

I just have no idea what to believe anymor- "OW" I accidentally hit my hand with the mashy stick thing.

"You okay?" I turn around and Jack is leaning against his staff. Ugh why must he looks so irresistible when he does that. "I'm fine." I speak sternly, I don't know were the anger came from. I'm not angry at all, just frustrated.

"Look I need to talk to you." Jack was being more serious now.

"Me too."

"I know I may sound stupid but don't hate me after I tell you."

"I wont I promise." I give Jack a reassuring smile. "I love-"

"Cupid! Jack! Come here and look."

DANG IT GNOME! BAD TIMING! Me and Jack rush over to see whats wrong.

"What's wrong Gnome?"

"These children, look on there arms. There are bite marks."

I glance over at a Cupcake and see to faded brown dots,which obviously are bite marks.

"So what are you saying? That they got bitten by a vampire? Werwolf?"

Jack sarcastically says.

"Werewolf? Vampire? Ugh those things are mere trouble. There are other more dangerous immortal creatures out there."

"Then what could it have been?"

I inspect the dots carefully looking for clues.

"Hazel doesn't your sister, Eleanor know about creatures?" Gnome asked in hope.

"Maybe, I don't really know. But it's worth a try."

"Wait you have a sister?" Jack asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, but we don't get along to well since she's a witch." I look down at my feet.

"Well I can't really leave these children so you two go."


I jump out the window and as soon as my feet touch the ground I hear a loud crunch.

Jack lands beside me. I smile at him.

"What?" He smiles back.

"You made it snow?"

"Yeah that's what I do."

"It's pretty."

He slightly laughs. "So where is this sister of yours?"

"Devil Woods." I say with a sigh.

"Well we better get going then." Jack said with smile. I hold the wings on my necklace and my cape turns into wings. I fly 5 feet above waiting for Jack but he doesn't take seconds to swore up. I can't fly as fast as him, so I end up just chasing him.

"Jack! WAIT FOR ME!" I shout,because he is about 10 feet away. He stops in midair waiting for me as I catch up. I stop in midair as well.

"Fly a little faster." He suggests, but it isn't as easy as he says.

"Its harder for me because I actually have to work, all you have to do is let the wind carry you." I have my arms crossed with a annoyed face.

Unexpectedly, Jack moved in pretty close to me until our noses barley touch. I feel a slight chill along my spine. He talks slowly,letting our lips barley touch at each word.Making my heart fall 50 feet and melt. Ironically.

"Then let me help you fly faster." I didn't notice that he had my wing necklace in hand and within seconds I was falling at lighting speed.

I closed my eyes and prepare for impact,but I never touch ground. I open my eyes and find myself above the clouds in Jacks arms. That little devil.

"You saved me but that doesn't change the fact you almost made me fall 1,000 feet."

He just laughs. "Don't act like you didn't like what I did."

I know I'm blushing but I just cover it with a face palm. But it wasn't too long until we landed at the border of Devils Woods, also known as Sudden Death Land to the good immortals. Like Tooth,North Bunny and Jack and the rest of us. This was different.

Here lived Witches,Goblins,Monsters,Werewolves,Vampires,Mutants and who knows what else. They have a grudge on us good guys. Why? Because they were all banished to only very small certain places like Devils Woods. No good immortal ever dares come near.

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