Cupid and Insults

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"Calm down Tooth we are all exited." I fake cough so they notice I'm still there. "Don't worry Jack you will find out soon." Tooth speaks cheerfully. Bunny asks happily "When is she comin and how long is she stayin?" "Well according to the letter she just said she is paying a visit she hasn't written how long or when."

I didn't feel like I was needed in this conversation so I decide to go and watch the yetis for a while.

~~~~~~~around 12:45 am~~~~~~~

Third Person POV:

All the Guardians thought they would stay for the night and as everyone was deep in sleep there was a knock at the big wooden doors. One of the yetis called for North, who was still half in sleep until one of the yetis throw some water on his face and he was fully awake.

He opened the door and to his surprise stood a drenched girl who almost looked like angel. "HAZEL!!!!" He embraced her even though she was soaked inside and out. "North it is great to see you I can't wait to see the others!"

"Well it is 12:45 at night so I'm sure they are sleeping-" Bunny and Jack come down in curiosity of whats going on.

Jack has a poker face as this all happens he keeps his distance but close enough to see her.Bunny's tired face turns happy instantly as he see's Hazel. "Hazel, long time no see eh mate?" She laughs a bit at his australian accent. "Yup its been a while EGGCHESTER!"

Bunny replies a bit annoyed with a slight groan. "Please not the nicknames again."

Hazel gives another quick laugh and answers. "Okay I'll spare you this time." It isn't long before they are joined by Tooth. Her face lights up quickly and she flies over fast and spins and hugs her. "Oh my god HAZEL!!!!! I can't believe it your back." She squeezes her friend with a squeal of joy and moves back giving her space.

But it's not long before she flies back and checks her mouth. "Have you been flossing-Wow you molars are better then ever and they are just perfect! Oh and those-" "Tooth please stop checking our guests teeth." "Oh right so sorry about that." She backs away slowly.

It's a bit silence until North speaks again. "Ah right, Hazel you must meet our new Guardian Jack Frost." She stares at Jack gently. "I've heard of him alright,causes quite the blizzards eh?" She moves closer to him and closer until they are a inch away. "Especially on Valentines Day. Sound familiar Old Man?"

Jacks POV:

I am a little distracted by her deep green eyes with hints of red in them and her soaking wet brown bangs that gently cover one of her eyes and it drops a raindrop. I stop when I realize what she just said. What better way to answer with a insult right back at her. "Oh I am sorry I can't hear the little Baby Boy." I am quite proud at my answer.

She doesn't take long to talk back. "I am talking about yesterday Frost, don't try and change the topic you caused a huge blizzard in 8 of the cities I went to. Do you know how hard it is to fly when you can't see while you are trying to shoot arrows.

Most dates and dances were cancelled!"

I felt a spark of anger inside of me. One minute I see this pretty girl walk in and the next she is insulting me?! "Listen to me, it's not my fault Valentines Day is in February!"

"I don't mind a little snow but was a blizzard in 8 cites needed!" "Well aren't you a little brat, what was Manny thinking when-" As I was about to defend myself and finish my sentence Bunny cut in. "Listen the both of you, I don't wanna hear anymore of your dumb argument okay?!"

Third Person POV:

Jack may have not finished his sentence but Hazel knew where he was going with it and she did feel hurt actually very hurt. "I'll be on the roof if you need me." Tooth tried to protest but Hazel kept going and soon left.

North sighed. "We shall deal with this in the morning right now should all get to bed." North left and Bunny started talking. "What is wrong with you? Did you have to put up a fight mate?!" He walks closer. Tooth had already silently left and the room grew silent. "Well she started it!"

"Oh brother, really Jack thats very mature of you to say. I bet she is crying right now cause of you." He points at me and gives me a glare and then leaves running upstairs where the rooms are. I stood there angry...guilty...and confused.


Hey! I finished chapter 2 fast! Sorry its

a bit long and if your wondering what Cupid looks like I will explain or Jack will *wink wink* in the next chapter. I am sure chapter 3 will also be done quite quickly but don't hate me when school starts because I will have homework but I'll try my bestest 👍

-Wild Flower 🌼

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